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Alexia's POV


"(Morning Alba...wanna tell me what you were doing last night?)" She quirked her head to the side confused because once for the most part she was being good. Except for the fact that she was hardcore flirting with Blair.

Blair looked genuinely terrified last night when my sister was following her. I could see her frantically searching for Ona so Ona would be there to witness any moves Alba made.

"(Not sure what you're referring to?)"

"(Seriously? You were all over Blair Laid last night!)" I scolded her but she just smiled.

"(She's hot and its not like I knew she was dating Ona or I would have left her alone.)"

I shook my head and threw a pillow at her. Olga walked out of my room now joining the conversation. I knew by Olga's reaction last night that she wasn't too thrilled to see or be around Blair. I think the only saving grace of the situation was that Blair is now dating Ona so she's no longer a threat to our relationship.

Alba and and Olga showed up later than I expected last night. I'm not sure what the two were up to but I felt it was best not to ask and make her mad at me.

It's probably better that I got a few moments alone. It allowed me to have the awkward conversation with Alex Morgan. Alex is Blair's national team captain and probably one of the most known players around the world.

She was a big mentor to Blair and Blake, but Blair specifically got pulled under Alex's wing. The two have always been close since she joined so I knew that Alex would find out that I slept with Blair.

I wouldn't deny it to anyone. There was no reason to deny it. Neither of us were mad that it happened and we both obviously moved on. The situation was settled. It wasn't something that was going away any time soon though.

"(Sounds like she takes after her sister.)" Olga told us poking the situation.

"(Well that's in the past and Blair is very much taken so Alba back off of her.)"

"(Mmhmm I'll just wait my turn.)" She giggled as she slapped my butt and walked away.

"(She's so immature.)"

"(She's just joking. Maybe you're just a little sensitive on the topic.)" Olga rolled her eyes at the fact that I didn't want Alba to flirt with Blair. I wasn't being like this because of my feelings for Blair. I was just trying to protect Ona honestly.

I don't want anyone coming in and being a distraction or problem in Ona and Blair's relationship.

"(You hate her don't you?)"

"(Why wouldn't I?)"

"(She didn't even know about you.)"

"(No one ever said anything?)" Olga raised an eyebrow at the fact that she was kept secret from the twin.

"(It never came up. We weren't together at the time so I just focused on myself...)"

"(Doesn't sound like that. Focusing on yourself doesn't include having sex with a girl you're supposed to be a leader to.)"

"(Olga why are we fighting about this?! I can't change the fact that I slept with Blair. I can't go back and just not get drunk. It happened we have to get over it. I don't have feelings for her and I never had any like that. What I feel for you is not what I felt for her!)"

"(Okay okay...I'm sorry. I am curious scale from 1-10 how nice was her-?)"

"(DO NOT FINISH THAT QUESTION!)" I shook my head and he comes Alba again.

"(Ten out of a fucking ten. Did you see her abs and her ass?! Next time you're in that locker room don't be shy take some photos.)" Alba and Olga laughed back in forth as I sat there annoyed and slightly grossed out. I didn't want to call Blair an ex but in this situation it just felt right yet odd.

"(Why are you upset? You scored.)" Alba rolled her eyes and finally left my place after that.


Aitana's POV

"(Hey where did you disappear to last night?)" Blake sat up in the bed and looked at me confused. She must be referring to when I was talking to Blair.

"(I was upstairs for a few minutes around midnight? Is that what you're referring to?)"

She nodded her head silently and waited for an answer. Blake was pretty calm most of the time when its just the two of us. She didn't talk much oddly enough. I think the twins enjoy the silence.

"(I was talking to Blair actually.)"

Blake's eyes lit up with concern and she seemed to shift uncomfortably. "(Is she okay? I know that yesterday was a big day for her.)"

"(She has her fears but its nothing serious.)"

"(I take it you talked about her relationship with Ona?)" I nodded. I wonder why Blake has never been afraid to post pictures with me. She's never admitted to it in public or on social media but she didn't keep the time we spent together a secret.

"(You don't get nervous from speculation on social media? Blair seemed worried that her and Ona are dating would get out. She wants to protect've never mentioned anything like that about me?)"

"(I don't feel the need to protect you. I'm open about my sexuality...Blair isn't. For the longest she was convinced that she was straight. Basically all of the fans think that she is as well. So maybe she's just not wanting to admit that...?) I made a big o with my mouth at the information that Blake just told me.

Blair didn't mention any of that last night. She's seemed pretty open about being bisexual but I suppose we're her close friends and not just random people on the internet. Blair made it clear how much she hates social media. Odd for someone with more followers than the whole team.

"(Shouldn't she tell Ona that?)"

"(She will...I trust that Blair's going to do right in this relationship.)" Blake assured me finally getting out of bed. She placed a quick kiss on my forehead as she walked past into the bathroom.

"(Are we doing breakfast?)"

"(We are but I plan of showering first, care to join me?)" I smiled and quickly ran in behind her quickly ripping off my clothes.

I love my life.

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