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Ona's POV

Aitana and I sat on the bus together as we rode to the stadium. We had a Champions League match against Arsenal in two hours. Oddly enough nobody on the team was entirely worried. We were all in great form.

Blair was sitting with Blake which they haven't done in a really long time. Blake was excited to play this game since last year during the Champions League she was stabbed and didn't get to play in the tournament. So those two were pretty happy talking about different things they wanted to accomplish.

We played the first leg against Arsenal already with a 2-0 win. That's without playing the twins or Alexia or Aitana...yeah so this game was going to be rough for them.

"(They seem happy.)"

"(Are you happy?)" I looked over at her curiously. The newly married woman sitting with me rather her wife.

"(I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. I'm so happy and still so in love.)" Aitana assured me.

"(Do you think Blair will propose or should I-not that we're any where near that I just you know...I see myself being with her for the rest of my life too. After all we've been through.)" I nervously looked at Aitana.

"(I think she'll be the one to propose.)"

"(I'm so excited.)"

"(Be more excited about the game today. I love Champions League.)" Aitana beamed happily. Blair and Aitana always seemed to shine during Champions League more than anyone else on the team.

"Yea yea."

"(Babe, do you have my airpods?)" Blair peered over her seat looking back at me.

"Yup." I held the case up and she nodded turning back to sit down.

"(You don't think she heard right?)" I asked Aitana quietly and she shook her head.

"I actually really like Arsenal ya know." I looked to the side to listen to Keira and Lucy conversation. Lucy gave Keira side eye after her comment about our opponent today.

"No. Bad Walsh." Kei rolled her eyes at Lucy.

"Leah plays for them!"

"And? She's the enemy today."

"(And every other one...") I mumbled remembering the name. I can't believe that Blair slept with her when we were on a break.

"(What was that?)" Aitana poked me playfully. She knew exactly what I said.

"(I hate Leah Williamson.)"

"You hate Leah?" Lucy and Keira asked me in sync and I felt my face turn red. They were not supposed to hear that and unfortunately now she heard me as well.

"And why do you hate Leah Williamson?" Blair turned around again this time joined by Blake. The two twins were smirking looking down at me. Blair found my distain for Leah Williamson amusing.

"Shut up." I huffed back against the seat.

"I mean by that logic you hate Mallory and Alexia and Lucy." She gave a cheeky smile.

"You didn't even know that Ona existed when we slept together same with Mallory. Alexia should be the one you hate."

"Alexia didn't sleep with you when we were on a break." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Yes she fucking did." Blake let out a light laugh then plopped back down in her seat.

"Dude shut the fuck up." Blair sat back down as well and slapped her twins arm. The two of them laughing together.

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