I Drank Too Much

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A\N: Thank you everyone for reading feel free to comment anything you want to see or dm me if you'd like instead thank you to those voting as well👍🏼

Alexia's POV

I woke up to two knocks at the open door. Aitana stood there holding a coffee cup and a small smile on her face. Blair and Ona both cuddling on top of me. Both a small smile on their face.

"(Morning Aitana.)"

"(Blake is making breakfast down stairs get up when you're ready.)" She walked away and I turned to look at the two younger girls.

"(Wake up.)" I kissed both of their heads as they lightly stirred awake. Blair stretching her arms as she pulled the three of us back together and sighed melting back into our bodies.

"(Let's get up.)" I pat her back as Ona untangled herself and stood up. She pushed her long hair back and stretched getting off the large bed.

"Damn what happened to you last night?" Blair let out a laugh looking at the younger girls neck.

"(You did that dumbass.)"

"What?!" Blair seemed to wake up realy fast after that comment. She got up and looked back and forth between the two of us confused.

"Wait why are we all in my bed? What the hell happened last night?" She rubbed her eyes before walking over to her dresser and grabbing a sweatshirt. It wasn't until now that I realized she was not wearing pants. Ona definitely realized way before both of us.

"Okay so I don't have pants on, I gave Ona a hickey, and I have a fucking pounding head ache...how much did we drink last night?" She pulled on shorts then pulled the half shirt over her head exposing her bare back.

The tattoos.

I had small patch work tattoos all over my back but Blair had one cohesive spine tattoo. When I asked her about it her answer was she preferred doggy style and liked to provide a view. I forget she's bisexual until comments like that.

"Hmm Blake is cooking." She took in a deep breath as she picked up Ona and carried her down the stairs.

"What was that for?" Ona quirked her head to the side but Blair just gave a shrug in response as she walked over and rested her head on her sister's shoulder.

"Good morning you three." Ingrid came up behind us with a big smile. Not sure what she thinks happened but all we did was sleep.

"Last night was fun." Patri smiled sitting down at the kitchen bar. Her eyes scanning Ona would shyly looked down.

"You two were loud last night." Lucy groaned pointing at Aitana and Blake.

"Try actually living here." Blair rolled her eyes walking away from Blake and giving a Aitana a hug after teasing them.

"I'm not apologizing for being good in bed." Blake shrugged and Aitana's face turned bright red.

"Blake!" She slapped her girlfriend's arm and looked away from everyone. "Besides we're just a very physical love language relationship."

"Yeah I know." Blair raised her eyebrows as she came and leaned against me so I wrapped my arms around her body.

"Please don't yell at me-what exactly are you two?" Patri looked at Blair and I nervously.

"Very friendly friends. Trust me if we were dating you'd know." Blair told them confidently.

"(Yeah we established a relationship is not good between the two of us. Blair is just an undercover touchy person. If she actually opened up to you guys it would make things simpler.)"

"Hey I'm working on it!"

"(She talked to me. I'll give her that. She's slowly branching out.)" Mapi smiled at the American midfielder. The two of them have became closer.

Now if only she'd get closer with our favorite little defender who has not stopped watching her. She has atleast opened up to the comfortable small touches here and there between the two.

"Out of curiosity what all happened last night? I truthfully do not remember a single second from any of it. I just woke up with Ona and Alexia-mostly clothed!" She pushed out the last part so no wrong ideas were made.

"(Oh yea you drank alot, told us your body count, kissed Alexia, gave Ona a hickey, had Ona sit in your lap for a while, the she was straddling you, then you refused to tell us the names of your body count then Alexia told everyone that you two fucked.)" Patri stated bluntly.

"Fuck." Blair laughed as she leaned her head back smiling at the ceiling. "One would think I'd know by now to stay away from Alcohol."

"Please you love being drunk." Blake rolled her eyes as she handed her sister something mixed into a water bottle.

"It is fun...." She smiled deviously as she looked over at Ona specifically. Truthfully I think Blair likes to be drunk because its one of the one times she's not stressed. She's worse than me in that area.

Another reason Blair loves alcohol is the confidence boost. She was honestly so shy until she crossed a line with people. As soon as that line was crossed it was full steam ahead. Unfortunately for all of us she didn't even kiss Ona last night.

"You love alcohol because then you're free to not just live. Crazy how some of us do that without drinking." Her sister teased her but she just faked a small smile.

"Blair don't listen to your sister. Sometimes she could turn down her boldness." Aitana teased them other twin and comforted Blair who seemed to go right back into shy mode.

"Alexia...(can we talk for a second?)" Mapi gestured for me to follow her outside so I did.

"(Do you still like her?)" I was shocked by her blunt question.


"(Who else? Come on Alexia. Blair can never move on if you don't let her. You started to take a step back but after last night it seems like you aren't ready to let go of her. We all told Ona that you and Blair are over. You're going to hurt her. Ona of all people does not deserve to be caught up in all of this.)"

"(I'm sorry. I've been trying to push the two of them together but Blair's taking her time. She's not ready for an actual relationship now. Did any of you even stop to think how bad of an idea it is to set the two of them up? Blair has severe attachment issues and I know she told you about that. Then how do you think Ona is going to handle Blair moving back stateside?)"

"(Shit...what about Aitana and Blake?)" Mapi's face saddened thinking about the current perfect happy couple. It wasn't until the words left my mouth that I thought about Blair even more now. What if I lose her at the end of the season.

I knew two things for sure now. I loved Blair but we couldn't date. The second thing was that I wanted Blair and Ona to be together because I could see how happy they were around each other but what if that just causes heartbreak for the two of them.

"(None of us really thought about them leaving...)" I looked over at Mapi sad and she pulled me in for a hug.

"(The United States team is tough. Eventually they're going to pull them back. This is only a temporary thing.)" She rubbed circles in my back for a few moments. It wasn't until she pulled away that we both realized a few tears had left my eyes.

"Lexia..." She frowned and grabbed my hands. I didn't want her to leave ever. Blair made me so happy. Especially when we drink to much...

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