No Good in Goodbyes

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Blair's POV

"Are you afraid to tell everyone today?" Ona walked up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist as I looked into the mirror.

"I'm not."

"Because you'll come visit all the ti-."

"Why do you not believe me?"

"Sorry I do. I'm just worried that you'll enjoy the new team alot and not want to leave..."

"But that would mean I'm not seeing you."

"Well yeah which is why-."

"You're wrong. I promise my love we will not be too far apart." I turned around jumping up to sit on the counter so that Ona could stand between my legs. We loved being in this position.

"I trust you."

"Good." I kissed her cheek then leaned back so I could just stare at her.

Again, Ona knew I loved doing this, so she stayed there silently until she couldn't anymore. She broke out into a toothless smile before crashing into my lips.

"I looooovvvvve you."

"You're so silly. I am always going to be deeply in love with you." I pushed myself off the counter and picked her up as I moved forward with momentum.

"Wrap your legs around my body. You're so lazy when I carry you." I teased her, but she did as I said.

"What? You call me baby and they don't hold their legs up." Ona smiled big as leaned down to place her face in my neck.

"Alexia, Lucy, Frido, Kei, and a few others are already here." Aitana warned Ona and I as I carried her down the hall towards the stairs.

"Got it. It's going to be fine. Why are you two so worried? It's not like I'm announcing terminal cancer. I'm just switching teams and retiring."

I shook my head with a small laugh.

"(Welcome home Blair.)" Alexia had the biggest smile on her face as she quickly walked over to hug me.

"Hey Ale." I set Ona down and crashed into her arms.

"(I missed you so much.)" Alexia hugged me so tight she lifted me off the ground and shook me back and forth a bit.

"(I missed you too.)"

"Oh come on the rest of us want to see her too Alexia!" Lucy teased her so Alexia let me go and I began hugging everyone one by one as they arrived.

The only ones who had yet to get here were Ingrid, Salma, Mapi, and Esme. However I turned to see the door open again and in walked the couple. I was perfectly fine talking to Ingrid. Mapi and I still haven't spoke since that day. She's texted me a few times, but I never answered. Ingrid asked me once and I explained a bit and she left it at that.

Ingrid rushed forward giving me a hug and the brightest smile. She was always such a sweet and happy person even if at first glance she didn't seem that way. Mapi understood her place now and just walked past allowing me to keep my space.

"So glad you're home B!" Fridolina told me with a smile.

So maybe this isn't as easy as I thought it would be...

"I'm glad I'm back as well, but I did want to tell you all something." I pulled Ona over to me and held her hand for confidence.

"As you all know umm I got shot or whatever...I went to the United States to get better and I did. I really feel healthy and ready to compete again, but I'm not sure I'll be able to play much longer..."

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