Viva Las Vegas

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Blair's POV

"Hey you." I laughed as Ona stirred awake. I was drunk last night but Ona was so incredibly far gone it was hilarious. I also might have pushed her to some new limits in bed which when I woke up I felt a little bad about.

"(I'm gonna throw up.)" I quickly pulled a trash can over and held her hair. Damn it Epcot. I don't throw up almost ever when I'm drunk. Last time I did was that night with João at Gavi's house but I still swear that drink was spiked. All I had right now was a slight headache and I was fine.

"(Why am I so sore?)" Ona groaned.

My bad...

"Come here." I picked her up gently and carried her into the bathroom. I barely got to the toilet before she started vomitting again.

"You're okay." I tied her hair back and gently rubbed her back.

"I don't feel okay." I saw the tears form in her eyes as she threw her face back over the toilet.

"I'm going to be right back." I walked back into the room to grab my phone, a bottle of water, and advil. Then as I re-entered the bathroom I grabbed a towel to wipe her face. I wet it with cold water and took a seat next to the sick girl again who was still vomiting.

"Lean back." I gently wiped her mouth.

"I'm sorry."

"You had fun." I brushed a loose hair behind her ear.

"I'm a mess. Why am I so sore?" I muffled my own laugh and recalled the events.

"Hmm we'll talk about that later." I handed her three advils and the bottle of water. While she wasn't looking I snapped a quick selfie and laughed to myself.

"(I'm just going to sit here)." Ona groaned as she leaned back against the wall.

"I'm going to get you some clothes." I smiled looking down at the girl who was only wearing my sweatshirt.

"Thanks love." I walked back into the bedroom gently laughing to myself. I didn't know that Ona had it in her to get that wild. I'm not entirely sure how wild she got yesterday.

I heard a soft knock at my door and opened it up halfway to Alexia, Mapi, and Lucy. Fuck I didn't exactly have on clothes. I had one a white lace bra and some nike pro spandex shorts with white crew neck socks then my glasses and a messy bun.

"Umm sorry not really dressed we just woke up." I let them in and closed the door.

"(Where's Ona?)" Alexia looked around the room and everywhere but me. Lucy walked over to the couch and took a seat as she scrolled on her phone. Mapi however...Mapi just looked at me with a sort of fear in her eyes.

"I'm about to go take her shorts. She's really sick or well hung over. I already gave her some advil for the headache." I opened a drawer to get her some clothes.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine." I shrugged as Alexia finally caught Mapi staring.

"Mapi..." Alexia called her name in an uneasy tone. The three of us all exchanged eye contact.

"Should I know about whatever is going on here?" Lucy looked away from her phone curiously.

"No." I quickly answered. I got a small hum in response for her as she looked at her phone then her eyes flicked back between Mapi and I.

"Unfortunately plenty of videos from yesterday were taken. I just want to give you a heads up." Lucy locked her phone and sat up.

"I'm just going to give Ona some clothes and check on her." I walked back into the bathroom as Ona leaned against the wall breathing in and out.

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