Welcome to the Barca

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Mapi's POV

"(You've talked to the one a few times be honest what's your opinion?)" I asked Alexia as she was one of the first ones here. We decided to switch tonights fun to my place. Currently Alexia, Ingrid, Irene, and I were sitting at my place.

"(I know the twins well I just wasn't going to expose that information around everyone else. Look Blake is going to fit in just fine she's outgoing and more than friendly. Fair warning she's flirting before you even catch on. Blair is shy and extremely standoffish. Everyone will jusg have to let her get comfortable here first.)" Okay that was a good inside scoop.

I had a feeling that Blake was along the lines of what Alexia had described so far. Blake was nice though. I remember playing her and she was always kind. If she knocked you down she's help you up. She never purposely draws or fakes a foul. On field I actually had a good amount of respect for her. That being said off the field I've heard quite a few things.

To summarize it all...

Blake Laid is a straight up Whore.

It harsh but I'd rather her not act that way here so maybe everyone should warned. I've already seen the reaction from Aitana. She's going to fall straight into the trap. Oh god or even worse Ona or Jana. They're young and an easy target.

"(Blake Laid is a whore and Blair Laid is a bitch just say that.)" Ingrid slapped my arm in milliseconds. It was the truth...just stated rather bluntly.

"(Wrong. Well okay yes Blake is a lowkey whore that she won't even deny.)" Alexia laughed a little bit. What's even funnier is technically that's her last name as well.

"It's not like you have to worry." Ingrid rolled her eyes as she glared at me for a second.

"More people are getting here-filter your words Mapi!" Alexia sternly pointed at me as she led everyone else to the back porch.

Ona, Aitana, Lucy, Kiera, Cata, Ana, Gemma, Jana, Caroline, Fridolina, Blake, and Blair walked in.

Surprise surprise Blake sat down next to Aitana as they talked the whole way in. Blair took a seat quietly next to Alexia. After Alexia had mentioned it Blair did just seem shy. She made eye contact with me for a second and gave a small smile before looking around at everyone.

"I'm glad everyone could make it tonight. In case anyone has missed anything Ona, Blake, Blair, welcome to the team! Ona especially welcome home!" Aitana kissed the side of her head as she gave her friend a tight hug.

"When did the two of you decide on Barca of all places? The Americans have been going to Lyon and PSG for years now." Kiera asked curiously and as I expected Blake answered.

"Honestly it wasn't our choice...so everyone knows the World Cup was shit for the United States. We obviously were not part of that shit show. The federation figured it would be better to start branching out overseas. They tried to push Mallory to the WSL. She was actually supposed to go to Arsenal I think but she refused and then they wanted  Catarina to stay in Europe so she went to Chelsea when her Lyon contract was up.

Lindsey is still under contract with Lyon. God Girma needs to leave the fucking states she was the best player on our roster for the cup."

"Umm how do I put this...your team is uh fragile eh? You are always injured group? Why doesn't your manager manage better?" Ona asked her bluntly.

"You mean the one who got fired? Yeah the management on the team is a fucking shit show as well. I mean its not hard to put two and two together on why we left the country." As annoying as she stated everything Blake was right. Its not that Spain has a better coaching. After everything that's been going on lately but atleast they won most of their political battles.

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