See You Soon

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A\N: Ona Batlle is literally one of the most adorable people on earth.

Blair's POV

I rolled over in my bed. Ever since Ona and I had sex that one night its been like Pandora's Box popped open. She knew things she shouldn't have for first time sex. The first time someone has sex is usually a shit show but with Ona it was far from that. I was impressed and its not easy to do that.

It took a her a few night until she was comfortable with me returning the favor. I gave her the best night of life when she finally let me. I would love to hear her moan my name again but it's seven in the morning.

"Morning love." I lifted my chin to rest on her chest and looked up at her.

"Good morning my love." How did she say it so much better. I blushed and she sat up and slapped her thigh motioning me to sit on her lap. I straddle her pushing my body into her.

"You're so sexy." God that spanish accent got me every fucking time. Oh shit I'm naked. I looked down at my body as she did the same. A bit of heat rising to my face as I laid against her to bury my face.

"I forgot..."

"Mmm I guess I'll just have to remind you of the events last night." Despite all the heated moments Ona has only stayed over twice between the thirteen days since we first had sex. I needed some nights alone before we kept moving more into this relationship.

"No Ona. You know I have to get up soon and get ready. I leave today bub." I was surprised to let the nickname slip and more scared to see her reaction.

"Bub?" I smiled shyly.

"Yeah I just I don't know just a name I say to people I care about as much as you."

"Cute." I kissed her nose in response. I had to get up much to Ona's protest.

I'm surprised that Ona's not mentioned the fact that I leave to go back to the United States today. Just for around two weeks. I was sad to leave Ona but I'm so happy to see all of my friends back home.

I don't know how Ona will take being apart. Especially now that we had sex and lots of it. When you introduce that physical aspect to the relationship one person tends to become much more attached. In this case it was obviously Ona. She was addicted to me at this point. I was worried about her.

I didn't want her to create an unhealthy habit. I wanted her to be smart about all of this which is why I made her wait to begin with. I knew she needed the baby steps. Ona basically is just a baby still. She's only 24 year years old. 24 is different in Spain sure but the way Ona talks and acts I could see the difference in maturity levels. I have just been through so much more.

"Are you excited to go home?" There it was.

"I am..."

"I'm going to miss you." I sighed turning around after getting fully dressed.

"Ona, you're going to have to learn how to deal with this. Okay love? Its not like I'll be gone forever. Understand?" I asked her.

"Sure I guess."

"So no you don't understand." I rolled my eyes but this triggered Ona a bit.

"Why are you annoyed?" She asked me shyly and I shook my head. I didn't want her to get upset over a small trip.

"Ona I need you to be able to handle me traveling and being busy. I've made myself very available to you. That's not always going to be the case."

She lowered her head and nodded. She'll get used to it. None of my other relationships reached this issue. Well because no one seemed to care about me the way Ona did or never got the chance too. Ona's a soft heart and everyone else has had a back bone of steel.

"Ride with me to the airstrip. Then you can just keep the Urus for the week as a little reminder of me. Just don't crash it. It costs more than you make a year probably." I teased her and grabbed my bag.

"What all are you even going to the states for?"

"Business, fun, friends, national team shit. Everything. I'm never going to get a second to rest unfortunately." I told her but I knew I was in for a fun trip.

I had linked up with quite a few people already. I was seeing one of my friends Hailee in New York. I was spending a day or two in the Hamptons to see my newly married friend Alba. Then I had to jump back up to New York for a nike shoot and to see Talia who I met modeling before. Then I was going back to L.A. for a few days to see the final game for Julie. I knew my heart would break that day and I was not ready.


"A few friends planned a visit with me yes."

"Who are these friends?" Ona asked me curiously. Hmm I could sense a tiny bit of jealousy. Batlle, are you the jealous type?

"Friends from every where. All three are actually actress and other things. I'll let you wait and see." I teased her like she continues to do to me in bed.



"I'll see you in two weeks baby." I kissed Ona as Blake, Aitana, and I pulled up to the hanger. The two spanish players were sad to let us go.

"Adios mi amor." She released me as she tried to hide the frown on her face.

"We love you." Blake blew a kiss as we walked onto the private jet. I'm surprised the two didn't ask the see the jet honestly. Unfortunately Blake and I didn't know how much longer the two of us would be able to fly together. With the business our father owned all of us were heirs. We were supposed to stay separate to help lessen the risk of not all dying together.

"I'm gonna miss Aitana."

"I think you can survive the two weeks."

"What you don't think you'll miss Ona?"

"Okay I'm obviously going to miss Ona but I also want to see my friends back home."

"Friends?" Blake asked me extremely skeptically. I do not want to answer this question.

"Yeah like Steinfeld...and Alba etc."

"Oh so just all close friends you've made out with...huh interesting." I rolled my eyes at Blake's judgement. Yeah so I had a bit of history with these girls. And?

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