The Gala

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Blair's POV

"You look stunning, my love." Ona beemed looking up at me.

"And you are beautiful as ever, but we need to sit down and set some ground rules for tonight. DO NOT DRINK TOO MUCH. This is a super big deal for my families business and the foundation. Try to only talk to people you know or I can point a few safe choices. Umm don't expect to spend too much time with me tonight and I'm not broadcasting this relationship to everyone tonight-please don't take that the wrong way!" I rushed out the information and qucikly connected our lips.

"I'm very confused."

"It'll be fine. So you think I look good?" I tilted my head to the side wanting to lean back in and connect our lips again.

"Are you two ready?" Aitana walked in dressed and ready for the gala as well.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded following Aitana out of the room. I didn't get a chance to talk to Blake before leaving for New York to attend the Gala. I didn't want to fight on the place and cause the whole thing to crash into the North Atlantic Ocean from a mid flight WWE match.

"When are the two of you going to talk?" Aitana asked me softly as the two of us stood in the hallway alone.

"I want to, but I don't know what to say right now. I just have so much to say and never a great time to say it. I just think I'm going to lose control if I do talk to her soon."

"We'll sit Ona on your lap you'll stay calm then." Aitana giggled lightly as she gave me a hug.

"I can't believe you're about to marry that dumbass....I haven't even gotten the chance to tell Blake that umm...I got a ring. I'm going to propose to Ona soon." I felt my eyes begin to water.

"You have to tell her-you have to talk to her. That's your best friend, your twin sister, your second half. You can't live without her, not healthily and she's not healthy without you." I nodded and I understood what she was saying but I didn't want to face the situation. The first time in awhile that I was running away from my problems again.

"I will talk to her tonight."

"Aitana, let's go." Blake called her fiance from down the hall. So the small midfielder hurried away. Aitana was more media and coporate trained than Ona.

Aitana and I aren't very far off from achievements. We both won the World Cup atleast once. We both won the Champions League. We both won MVP of major tournaments. We've both won a lot so we've both been in front of many cameras and high up people.

Ona's a successful player, but she's not quite held the spotlight like the rest of us. Popular with the fans sure but just not the same level of marketability as say Aitana or Alexia or me.

On top of that Ona has never been the main face of a company. In 2023 Aitana was a star for Nike and Barcelona. As I said she's trained in this. This past year I was the face of women's soccer by winning the Olympics and Ballon D'Or and Champions League etc.

Ona is more rambunctious than Aitana as well. I don't have time to deal with Ona tonight. I have plenty of people my father is going to want me to talk to tonight. There are some people that I'd like to talk to as well tonight. I just knew Ona would be upset if I didn't bring her along.

"So I'm not going to get to be with you much tonight. I'll just stick with Aitana and I don't know maybe the food will be really good."

"The food will be amazing. I will come find you and take you to different chaperones tonight." I teased her and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"And here we go." I sighed walking towards the grand hall entrance.

"This is a lot of people." Ona looked around in awe. It was a black tie event. I had hand picked Ona's outfit and by I, my team of stylist that I had in New York.

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