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A\N: Sorry @fafavny 😬
Nothing is permanent though✨

Alexia's POV

"Blair back up!" Blake screamed as we all ran outside. We could hear the fighting and got worried but right as Blake and Aitana opened the door we saw Blair's fist collide with the wall out of frustration.

I knew that Ona was terrified. Lucy, Mapi, and I pulled her away as quick as possible to try and de-escalate things but she just kept pushing us off of her and walking back towards Ona. I knew or atleast I think I'm stronger than her so I pulled my arms around her tight and dragged her farther away. I knew Blair well enough to know a tight hold would eventually calm her down. Mapi and Lucy stood by for a second until Ona was back inside and Blair had stopped moving.

"(You're okay. Deep breath.)" She began sobbing in my arms now wrapping hers around my body.

"Fuck!" She half yelled into my chest as she cried against my chest. I rubbed her back comfortingly and swayed her back and forth for a few minutes until she stopped crying.

"(Breathe love. You're okay.)" I pulled back a little bit and grabbed her hand that was still gushing blood. Luckily I had my keys on me so I opened my car and pulled an extra shirt out of it to wrap her hand.

"(I just want to leave.)" I nodded at her request and lead her to the passenger side of my car.

"I don't want to go home though." She looked at me with a distinct look in her eyes. I knew I was about to make a mistake. But I planned on making it anyways.

"(I'll take you to my place.)"

I sighed turning on the car and pulling out of Mapi's driveway. I wanted to be with her right now to comfort her and help her but I wanted so much more from her right now as well. I wanted her.

I missed the feeling of her in my arms. I missed the feeling of her hands on me and mine on her. I missed the eye contact. I missed all of it. I craved all of it.

"I didn't mean to."


"I didn't mean to punch the wall."


"I couldn't control myself."

"(I know.)"

"She's going to be scared of me now. I ruined it. I don't even want to date her anymore."

"(You're just upset.)"

"No, I knew from the beginning it was a mistake. I just didn't want to accept that. I guess I moved on from you so I assumed I was ready to date her but in reality I should have moved on and stayed single."

"(Or maybe...just don't make any rash decisions right now.)"

"What were you going to say?"

She looked over at me curiously. Her eyes were still red and wet but her breathing had returned to normal again. She watched my every move trying to read my face. I didn't want to say what I was about to say. It would be a mistake.

Her hand finally took her attention away from me as she lifted the towel. She already hurt her left wrist and now her right hand looked messed up. It was bloody and swollen. Hopefully a lesson to not punch outside walls. Or punch anything at all.

She had to though. Blair only knows how to express her emotion physically. She can't ever admit when she's hurting mentally. All she ever does is hurts herself physically to drown out the noise of her own thoughts. For years she's been over working herself.

She just needed to rest.

Blair needed a break but she refuses to take one. I felt bad for her lack of self health.

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