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A\N: Alright we're skippin some time here. Champions League final was in June. So yes it was almost a full year that everyone had interacted. Olympics passed Blake was still out but USA won. Blair won Eufa Poty. Ona was also injured which she was super sad about. Now they're all back in Spain playing with Barca. Life is good🤌🏼

I plan on posting the Blake and Aitana book soon def gonna be interesting because it'll talk about and reveal things you won't know in this story

Ona's POV

I felt a small bit of movement underneath me as I stired awake. Hmm how did she end up on bottom. I softly connected our lips causing her to stir and open her eyes.

"Mornin love." Blair wasn't really a morning person but she wasn't horrible either.

"(I think I smell Blake cooking.)"

"We should probably take advantage of that, shouldn't we?" She smiled and lazily flipped our position as she then fell back on top of me and closed her eyes. I ran my hand up her bare back and smiled.

"Blair, get up." I pushed her up and a small smirk took her face as she steadied her hips over mine and pressed her lips against my jawline. Nevermind maybe we can stay in bed.

"Mkay. I'm going to jump in the shower tell Blake I'll be down in a minute." I nodded as the half naked girl rolled out of bed and walked away. I sat there for a second enjoying the view until I jumped back to reality.

"(Morning Aitana)." I walked out of the room to be met by my bestfriend. Damn were we lucky. We both managed to date two hot twins and be happier than ever.

"(Joining breakfast?)" I gave a small nod as we walked down the tall staircase.

"What's up Ona?" Blake flashed a smile as Aitana walked straight into her arms sleepily.

"Blair got in the shower but she'll be down in a bit." Blake nodded and continued to put breakfast together.

I was slightly afraid of what was going to happen the next few days. Christmas was right around the corner so I'd assume that the girls would have to travel back home for the holidays but neither Blake nor Blair have mention anything to Aitana or I.

"You're a great cook Blake." I smiled looking at all the food she was preparing.

"Hmm this is nothing." She smiled and gave a small shrug as she continued to work.

"Its just one of my big three."

"Your big three?" I looked at her confused. Her and Aitana turned to me concerned and I smiled nervously.

"You don't know Blair's big three?" Blake laughed and paused everything she was doing.


"Hmm my big three?" Blair startled me as she came up behind me and slipped her arms around my body. Her skin was so smooth and smelled good since she just got out of the shower.

"What's the big three?" I asked innocently.

"Blake's big three is soccer, cooking, art."

"Do you paint?" I asked her curiously and she gave a small shrug trying to be humble.

"What's your big three?" I turned around in the chair and leaned back on kitchen island giving Blair the opportunity to pin me against it instead.

"I guess I haven't ever talked to you about that kind of stuff." She smiled leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"You missed."

"Hmm my big three are soccer, racing, and music. I guess I've never played anything for bad." She smiled sheepishly and I immediately got up pulling her over to the piano that I had always thought was just a rich people decoration.

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