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Alexia's POV

"Okay you know the drill. You're the best team in the world, there's been controversy lately, there's going to be antagonist out there today. Stay professional ladies." Coach Jonatan sat all of us down before the main media day. Knock out stages have began. Its time that things get serious for the champions league.

We always had a target on our back. All previous winners have a target on their back. Barcelona had a much bigger one. We've had the three past Ballon d'Or winners. We have the most expensive roster. Our main stars are the biggest names in futbol.

Speaking of big names...I looked over to see the number seven looking around nervously. Her eyes finally locking with mine and a bit of relief seemed to come in contact with her face. She made her way straight over towards me.

"(I don't have to coach you on media training. What's going on Blair?)"

"Do you think they will ask about the drug tests? How do I stay professional when talking about any of that?"

"(I'm not worried about your professionalism. You've done this a thousand times before.)" I gave her a smile and turned to welcome Mapi to the conversation.

"(We have first panel.)" Mapi looked at Blair nervously. I could tell she was still shaking off the feelings that built between the two.

"Alright, let's go shall we." Blair's mood lightened as she nudged Mapi's shoulder with her own. Blair initiated that situation but she was quick to drop it.

"Coming to watch with me?" Blake snuck up behind me.

"(Watching the interview or how Mapi acts with your sister?)" Blake smiled and shook her head. I suppose she's over it as well.

"Giving Blair a supportive face to look out at."

I'm glad to hear that the two of them were over their fight. They were so much better together than apart.

"Blair, Maria thank you for joining us."

"Blair, what was your reaction to the claims about Blake and yourself being tested for the use of performance enhancement drugs?"

"It isn't the first time this has occurred. When you're the best at what you do people are going to question if you're cheating. Its a compliment but its an inconvenience as well to be suspended when we were completely innocent. It's the things we have to deal with as athletes." Blair shrugged answering the question plainly.

"(Mapi, from the start of the 2023 season to now what's been the biggest adjustment for you? Who has been your favorite new teammate to play with?)"

"(I mean all of the new additions to the team have been amazing. I'm sitting with the most recent recipient of the Ballon d'Or and getting the honor to play with such amazing players on the field whether they're still fairly new to the team or not. I'd say my favorite is more than likely Ona Batlle. It was great to see her return home to Barcelona and she's been amazing and key to so many of our major victories.)" Blair smiled admiring the way Mapi spoke about Ona. We were all so proud of the small defender.

"Blair, Mapi as two of of the many players on your team who are in a relationship with a fellow teammate do you think that extra level of connection translates onto the field and influence the extremity of your success?"

Uhhh what the fuck? Blair knows how to professionally answer questions when they're professional, but what was she supposed to say to this? I think that the relationships had no influence on the team's success.

"(I think that our relationships are unrelated to our careers.)" Simple and short. Thank god Mapi answered that and not Blair.

"Blair, does your opinion differ from that?"

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