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Blair's POV

"I have no idea what happened that night but I really do like you so I'm going to try to talk things through with you..."

"Yes of course. I don't know why you felt so off. I mean I tried to cut you off but you seemed fine at the same time so I just did as you asked then when you wanted to go upstairs I didn't know that you didn't want-."

"I did...I just got scared I don't know. That's not on you. We're good there." I assured him and he nodded.

"Then why did you teammate throw me off of you then they took you away that night?" He looked at me confused and I shrugged.

"They're just being protective João. I'm new on the team and my teammate Alex Morgan asked Alexia to watch over me."

"Well she's definitely always watching you." He grumbled and I quirked an eyebrow at him. What was that suppose to mean? Did he know something about Alexia and I?

"If you're for it I'd like to continue though whatever this is..." I told him shyly.

"Well if that's the case...Blair will you be my girlfriend?" He smiled at me as he reached his hand out over the table.

"That would be great." I smiled big as we finished up our meal. Luckily we found a quiet place that didn't seem to be swarming with Barca fans. That was until we walked back to his car.

"(Oh my god! It's João Felix and Blair Laid!)" A group of girls rushed towards us and immediately began taking pictures.

"(Excuse me. Excuse me.)" João pushed past the growing crowd and helped me in the car before quickly getting in and driving away.

"Well that was something." I laughed as he drove to the field. He was so sweet for taking me to practice. However something just occurred in my mind. Ona and Alexia are going to be livid. They-Alexia told me to end it now but after I thought about the fact that I'm not going to ever be with her I decided I needed to have lots sex asap and Joao was the perfect fill for the job.

"Maybe I could come say hi to your sister?"

"Umm maybe..."

"You're worried about Alexia and Ona seeing me? You can't expect me to date you but hide me from your teammates."

"Joao I would never hide our relationship from my team but I'm just not sure I'm ready to hear things from everyone." I tried explaining and he gave an understanding nod.

"The guys on my team are going to be so jealous. Frenkie, Pedri, Gavi, Cancelo, and Raph. I can't wait to tell everyone that my girlfriend is the beautiful and talented Blair Laid." He parked the car and got out grabbing my bag and pinning me against the car to kiss. After a few seconds I pushed him back with a fake smile and grabbed my bag.

"Pick me up and let's maybe have some time at your place alone tonight." I whispered in his ear and smiled as I backed away.

"Until then." He smiled kissing me one more time then letting me go.

"I'm gonna throw up." Blake fake gagged as she walked up behind me.

"That's how I felt when you and Aitana went four rounds one night and I unfortunately heard every single one-because oh wait you were in the fucking living room." I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"Alexia is going to kill you."

"She's not my mom."

"No but she did watch all that just happened and looked like an angry ex instead." I quickly looked around and watched as the Spanish midfielder walked into the training facility.

"She'll get over it."

"Well in that case...what are your plans tonight because Aitana is coming over-."

"Trust me that's all I need to hear I will not be home. It took long enough to get those sounds out of my head." I shook my head not wanting to think about it again.

"Thank sis love ya." I hummed in response as I watched a certain defender walk around with Blake's girlfriend.

"I heard she got pretty protective over you that night..." Blake hinted that there was more to say and smiled.

"Alexia thinks she likes me but not sure what to do with that information. I have a boyfriend right now and as nice as it is relationships with women never go my way."

Blake chuckled as she walked into the locker room and began changing. Ona and Aitana followed us in. Aitana immediately going to Blake to kiss her cheek and Ona watching me for a second before I caught her. I took my shirt off and decided to go say something to her about the other night.

"Hey about the party...thanks for having my back but its fine. Joao and I decided that some odd things happened but we talked it over. I appreciate you for letting me crash at your place. I'll return your sweatshirt tomorrow."

She cleared her throat quietly and answered with a small nod clearly flustered at the sight in front of her. I loved getting a rise out of people.

"See you out there." I nudged her shoulder before walking back over to my locker.

"[You're a bitch.]" Blake told me in french and I smiled. "[Am I? I just wanted to let her know that João and I are staying together. Besides she was looking out for me.]"

"Why are you two speaking french?" Lucy stopped walking and looked at us. "Wait you two speak french?" Mapi stopped and looked at us confused.

"[Indeed we do.]" Blake smiled at me as we both left the locker room. Today is the most we've interacted in a minute. I kind of miss Blake time.

"[Good thing Lucy sucks at French.]"

"[I mean you're not pro at it either. I've always been better at speaking different languages.]"

"[Yeah what are you and João planning on doing tonight?]"

"[What do you fucking think. I'm getting railed.]" I snickered as we passed Alexia and Jana on the field.


"(What the hell is wrong with you?!)" Alexia pushed me off the field and crossed her arms pissed.

"Plenty of things which are you referring to?"

"Blair please...I care about you so please just listen to what I have to say I don't want to see you get hurt." Her voice cracked as she pleaded with me in English and I know that when she really cared.

"Alexia I'm staying with him. You ruined what could have been between us by pushing me away. I deserve to be happy with someone."

"Not him...he's just using you-."

"Maybe that's what I want right now. I want him to make me feel good and he knows exactly how to do that..."

"So could could so many other people Blair."

"Maybe we should stick to being co workers or teammates, nothing more." I turned away from her and walked back over to the rest of the team a few sets of eyes intensely watching the two of us return.


"Hey babe." I jumped into Mr. João Felix's arms as practice ended. He picked up my bag and pulled me in for a kiss. His hand tightly gripped my hip as he held me into the kiss.

"Okay João save it for your house."

"Yes ma'am."

He sped back to his house barely making it through his front door before his hands were all over me. His tongue fought its way into my mouth and hand gripped around my throat.

Next thing I know I'm being laid across a kitchen counter and my clothes are being ripped off. I pulled his shirt over my head as well and ran my hands across his abs and through his hair.

"João I don't wanna wait." I huffed out as he made his way lower and lower. He pulled my shorts off then can probably imagine what happened for the next hour and a half.

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