Hot N Cold

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Blair's POV

"I do not know what is going between the two of you and I do NOT CARE. Fix it now. I will not have two of my leading players throwing fists at eachother during practice. You're such an important aspect to this team. Alexia I expected more from you. I don't care what you do but spend the day together figure this shit out."

"(Coach its best if we just seperate for today. I promise we'll fix this issue.)"

"NO TODAY. Do not argue." Jonatan slammed his fist down. Alexia and I exchanged looks and nodded.

"Your place or mine?" I sighed looking at her.

"(Is Blair going to be home?)"

"No..." I looked at her cautiously from that question.

"(Let's" Alexia rode back to my house with me. The whole car ride was miserably silent. I didn't want to talk to her and she didn't want to talk to me. As soon as Blake chose Alexia for her team I knew something was about to happen. Tensions were building for a few weeks now.

I stayed with João despite her constant requests that I don't date him. I thought she was just jealous. Maybe she could be actually looking out for me. It's just hard to trust her.

I opened up to her. I SLEPT with her. I either have sex for two reason. One for the pure physical pleasure or I'm deeply in love with someone and trust them. It's pretty easy to figure out between João and Alexia who was who.

As soon as I pulled up to my house I could see Alexia look straight down. I had home field advantage atleast but unfortunately we drove my car as well so this means either someone has to come pick her up or I have to drive her home.

"Can't wait all day."

"Rather not say the wrong things." I shot back.

"Well I think we're past right or wrong."

"Which one of us is to blame for that?"

"Hmm you tell me was I the one who fucked me three times against oh this counter? THEN HAD THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO SAY IT WAS A MISTAKE IMMEDIATELY AFTER!" God I wanted to atleast get a little bit further in until the screaming started.

"God you think everything I do is for the worst! It was a mistake. You and I are not supposed to be together Blair. You said it yourself WE WERE FUCKING DRUNK. I know I should have controlled myself but you could have said no at any time and I would have stopped immediately unlike your new boytoy."

"What you're going to attack my relationship with João now?! You're unbelievable seriously. You think you know everything don't you. I'm Alexia Putellas and I'm always righ-."

"Shut the fuck up Blair. I have tried to look out for you every step of the way since you've been here and I got too close I get it but I've tried to talk things over but all you do is run away." She slammed her hands down on the counter frustrated.

"Because every time I'm around you I just want to fucking kiss you and forget that anything bad happened and I can't be with you we both keep making that clear. I have never felt so safe in someones arms or so happy to have someone smile at me-I'm in love with you." I felt the tears begin pouring from my eyes. I couldn't help myself. My breathing began to stutter more and more as she rushed over engulfing me in her arms.

"Mi amor no..." She held my head against her chest as I sobbed into her chest now. It was about ten minutes of us sitting in the kitchen until I looked up to see a few tears escaping her eyes.

I just wanted her. Well her and maybe one other person but I refused to mess around with that situation. I thought Alexia was mature and she could handle me but it turns out that maybe she has just as many struggles as me.

She pressed our foreheads together and I held my eyes shut not wanting to see the tears in her eyes. I didn't want to see the pain I caused her.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled out but all I got in response was a pair of lips against mine. She pulled our waist together as my back pressed against the counter behind me. Her left hand making its way to the back if my neck holding me into the kiss.

"What was that for?" I choked out with a small laugh. God I was going delirious at this point.

"I love you too, but we have to talk things over."

"Because we can't be together."

"No mi amor. We can't be together."

She released my body but held my hand as she pulled us back over to the couch. She sat down first then pulled me onto her lap to straddle her. I quirked an eyebrow at her choice of positioning but she kind of just returned a smile.

"Look when I met you in person I was starstruck I won't lie. I was like damn. This is Alexia Putellas? I also looked up to you then you kind of treated me in a way that most people don't. I just wanted to actually try and get into the relationship with someone I felt safe with for once."

She frowned and pulled me into another kiss. Again gentle but just enough to feed the craving we both had. "I'm not sure how this is helping either."

"Because this is it. I'm glad I made you feel safe but I can't keep doing this. I need us to be more professional for the teams sake because I'm not sure its good for either of our careers if we...I don't know. I am looking out for you. I know its for the best if we just stay friends. Bestfriend but nothing more."

"I get it." I smiled this time connecting our lips and pushing my hips into her. A little moan escaped her mouth and I smiled bigger as her mouth made its way to my neck.

"Promise me..."

"Mmm what?" I groaned as she pulled back.

"Break. Up. With. Felix."

"So damn you won't have sex with me but then I can't date either? That's not fair Lex."

"Oh I never said no sex...plenty of people still want you but I do not want you getting used by João. You're worth more than that. Besides I could hook you up with a few people. You'll have choices." She laughed and I shook my head.

"Does one happen to be a 5'8" blonde midfielder for Barcelona?" She rolled her eyes but I found it so fucking hot as opposed to picking that up as a sign of annoyance.

"Yeah she's not available." She pecked my nose and smiled a bit as she flipped our position. She threw me onto my back with a smirk on her face scanning my body before connecting eyes again.

"But she won't say no to one last time."

Her hands traveling to the waist band of my shorts slowly creeping in as her lips traveled around my neck.

One last time.

"Even though she shouldn't be doing this..." Alexia paused for a moment before then reconnecting our lips. Her hands pulling the remainder of my clothes off and mine fighting to get any of hers off.

"You can't controll yourself either." I huffed out trying my best to keep my composure. Her left hand traveling around my upper thigh. Her lips traveling lower and lower down my body as I pushed my hands through her hair holding her face close to my body as she trailed down my abs.

Her lips getting closer and closer to where I wanted them most. The craving sensation of one last time pulsing through my body as my heartbeat quickened.

Finally, she reached the spot I needed her most.

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