Korbin & Coffee

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A\N: Super long chapter ahead

Blair's POV

"(Come on Ona. You got a dog I got a child. I want to train Korbin what's so wrong about that?!)" I groaned as Ona pulled me away from everyone. She's still drunk.

"(She's fucking living with us!)"

"(Yeah she's a barely twenty one year old American who has barely been overseas. Heaven forbid I look out for!)" I rolled my eyes as she agressively held my wrist.

"(Is our relationship not already going through enough?)" Ona asked and I froze. Our relationship was perfectly fine in my eyes. What was she talking about?

"(What is the issue with our relationship?)" I asked quietly. Was I missing something?

"(I just...nothing. I'm overwhelmed and I've been drinking alot...)"

"(Come here...)" Ona slowly walked over to me but decided to sit next to me rather than in my hold.

"(Why didn't you tell me about Korbin? I can't help but notice the small stuff everyday. The fact that you want to go out with Aitana and Ingrid first. The fact that you and Mapi or you and Alexia still share those looks together. I can't ignore all of the signs. Do you even still want to be with me? Or are you just waiting for all of this to blow over so you can break up with me?)" Ona asked me with tears in her eyes.

"(Do you truly not remember the last thing I said to you before getting shot? Ona I said I love you then I risked my life for you...I want to spend the rest of my life with you and being shot isn't going to change that. I did not think you would care about me bringing Korbin in...I don't like Korbin or Mapi or Alexia. I'm only training Korbin because she reminds me of myself she has so much potential and she needs the guidance. In a way I guess it was just trying to protect myself because I see...you know.)" I told her and she pushed me on my back and connected our lips.

"I love you too. I'm sorry Blair."

"I talked to Lia and she told me that I haven't exactly seen this situation through your eyes. I know how heartbroken I would have been to see you the way I was. You're never going to lose me Batlle. Please just talk to me." I rubbed her back as she sat on my lap.

"May I please come to the coffee place with you?" I smiled wide as I gave her a nodd.

"Yes Ona you may come out with us tomorrow. Maybe we can bring Korbin and you could get to know her?" Ona nodded as she got up off of me.

"Come on. We have guests tonight. Go hangout with Leila and Laia I know you miss them." I shoved the small defender away as the centerback walked up to me.

"(What the hell are you up to Laid?)"

"Building a mini me." I shrugged with a smirk. I knew that Korbin had the potential but she had no idea what she was in for.

"We should probably take some distance Maria. Ona thinks there's something going on between us and I don't want to fall into any situations." I sighed as she approached. Ona isn't exactly wrong about my feelings for Mapi or hers for me.

"(What you can't control yourself around me?)" Mapi smirked as she stepped forward to press me against the wall.

"Is anyone in this house not drunk right now? Mapi go find Ingrid." I tried to shove her off lightly but the captain was pretty playful mood as she continued to mess with me. I knew she wasn't about to kiss me. Not with Ingrid in the house beside she loved her more than me.

"Maria seriously back off." I turned my face to the side as she pushed even closer.

"(What the hell Mapi!)" Shit.

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