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Blair's POV

"(Are you still nervous?)"

"(I'm more annoyed and scared than anything. Ona I didn't want to tell you this, but if we get kicked off the team for some false red flags then we have to return to the US.)"

"I know." She softly told me and I turned to her confused. Why didn't she talk to me about it? We could have made plans to work things out. She just avoided the conversation. That's so unlike her.

"So why didn't you say anthing?"

"(To protect you love)."

"That's not protecting me Ona."

"(I was trying to-.)"

"Avoid the topic? I've gotten better at communicating, could you atleast try?"

"(I am always trying!)"

"You're right. That's my bad-I'm just upset and taking this out on you which is wrong."

"(But I am trying to avoid the issue for once because I'm not prepared for that possibility.)"

"Yeah I know." I nodded and grabbed the waist band of her shorts to pull her close to me. A small smile growing on my face as I leaned into kiss her.

"Blair we have to go!" God damn it Blake.

I let out a sigh as I backed away much to Ona's protest. She grabbed the back of my neck and aggressively connected our lips atleast one last time before I heard the decision from the league.

"I have to go my love. I'll see you later today."

"I love you."

"(I love you too Ona Batlle.)" I felt a little bit of relief when I was able to say those words.

"Ready B?" Blake popped her head in the room and I nodded as I followed her out. Due to Blake being so much better than me in these stressful situations she got in the drivers seat. I couldn't imagine being able to focus on driving right now.

I looked out the windows are the streets of Barcelona. Barcelona is my home now and I can't imagine having to leave because of a false accusation.

"Blair why are you worried?"

"If you're hinting at the possibility of me being on PEDs then you're fucking insane to think I'd do that. I don't need to cheat to win. We never have Blake."


"We were tricked and forced to take them in highschool. That shouldn't even count." I rolled my eyes at her.

"I chose to take them..." I quickly changed my focus from the window to my twin sister. Or should I say my deceitful lying drug shooting twin sister.


"Blair you and I were neck and neck on skill level back then and I started taking them to try and give myself an edge over you because for once dad had gotten in my head..."

"You took drugs to be better than me?! They forced me to go on them because of you and its always been in my head ever since!" I felt a few tears pull at my eyes.

"I know Blair it was a mistake!" I shook my head in disbelief. Luckily we were pulling in at headquarters so I was able to storm out of the car and get away from her.

"BLAIR STOP IM SO SORRY!" Blake came running after me.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I shoved her back from me as she tried to grab my shoulder.

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