Pugh Pugh Pugh

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Mallory's POV

"How long have you and Aitana been together?" I looked over at Blake as she tied her boots.

"Basically since the first week." Blair scoffed. Blake was quick to relationships. Blair was much more standoffish.

"Okay yeah Ms. I hooked up with the captain." Blake raised her eyebrows and Blair went silent. I quickly looked over at Blair scanning her face to see if it was true but she didn't even attempt to show any sign of denying it.

"You slept with Putellas?!" I burst out laughing with Blake as Blair sat there pouting. I knew that Blake would hook up with someone here but Blair acting like this was new.

"Wow body count is up to four now." I teased her and she mumbled something quietly in response. Blake poked her side and she rolled her eyes.

"Come on say it louder."


"WHO ELSE?!" I slapped her arm for not telling me any of this until I arrived here.

"João Felix."

"Barcelona men's striker?" Blair gave a small nod as she popped the ball up with her foot. The three of us deciding to go mess around on the field. Figured I'd work on some passing and shooting with the two.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming to Barcelona?" Blake looked at me annoyed and I gave the two of them an innocent smile. I wasn't supposed to come over seas at all. I wanted to stay stateside but I missed them. I needed to take the opportunity while I could.

"I have offered the spot literally four days ago."

"I'm glad you took it."

"Me too. I get to be back with my favorite twins." I pulled Blake in and squeezed her tight.

"So are you dating Alexia-."

"No." Blair shot out rapidly and shook her head. Oh something happened there I suppose.

"We had a good connection but we aren't going to date. We both figured it would compromise our career."

"Yeah so she was dating Felix for a second instead. I just want to say thank fucking God that you ended things with that guy." Blake groaned as she teased her twin about the short relationship.

"What was wrong with him?"

"Douchey. Would have rather you dated that super young cute one."

"Okay Gavi is like 18 that's weird."

"What you always go for older women why not be the older woman for once." Blake stuck her tongue out at Blair.

"No I know who you're after now." She immediately responded and I quirked an eyebrow unsure of who she was referring to. Who did Blair like now? God she moved to Spain and became sexually and romantically active for once.

"Umm I don't please share."

"You're joking? You don't see the way she looks at Ona? She liked her from the first day but then her major mommy issues got the best of her and she kept having sex with Alexia."

"Oh yeah that tracks."

"I DO NOT HAVE MOMMY ISSUES!" Blair protested but we all knew that she did indeed have both mommy and daddy issues. Her parents were always so tough on her. Blake was never affected by what they had to say so they gave up but they hold a different type of power over Blair.

She could win everything and if her dad is there he'll point out everything she did wrong. Its kind of what made her such a good player. Its also the reason she's always injured. She pushes herself too far.

"So what is this team like?" I asked the two of them curiously. Not that I cared about being friends with any of them. I had the twins here I was fine just being around them. I did enjoy talking to Lucy though.

"They're actually super chill. I didn't think I would be happy here when Blake dragged me along but Barcelona has grown on me so fast." Blair said sounding genuinely happy.

The three of us some what stuck out from the rest of the team. Of course we still had our close ties but there was a lot that wasn't really seen by the fans. The team wasn't a perfect friend group or family as everyone thinks.

One of the biggest things that separates all of us is the two sides of political controversy. Blair always looked up to Julie and Alex most. Alex more recently has gotten political but Julie never has really. The twins and I all believe in standing for the National Anthem no matter what.

The twins and I hated the extreme feminism image that the team carried. Sometimes we just want to play soccer. Nothing more nothing less. I did understand the position of inspiration or whatever but at times it just felt overwhelming.

"Europe is pretty. Too bad I'm taken or I'd say plenty of the people are too."

"Yeah Blair seems to agree with that statement." Blair kicked the ball at Blake's head and giggled. They're such children.

"Yeah yeah I hooked up with two people big deal." She waved her hand and messed around with the soccer ball at her feet for awhile longer. As she jogged a away I turned to Blake privately.

"So you two really like it here that much?"

"Blair and I grew up traveling. Its nice to be overseas I won't lie to you. I'm really happy being around these people too."

"But what happens when you have to leave?"

She stood there staring at me blankly for a few seconds until a small frown found its way on her face. I didn't realize that they were too caught up in all of this fun new life that they'd forget that this is only a season long contract.

"We didn't talk about any of that."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that."

"Not your fault you just opened my eyes up to a thought I've probably been self consciously ignoring until now." Blake dragged her foot back and forth across the turf and kicked the ball as hard as she could to get her anger out.

"Do me a favor and don't mention that to Blair please? She's happier than I've seen her in awhile here."

Which is something that wasn't adding up for me. What was it that was so perfect about Barcelona to the twins?

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