It's a Party

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A\N: was gonna wait to post this but here ya go :)

Blair's POV

"She didn't want to come here straight after the game?" I shrugged.

"She said she'd still get her before everyone." I told Blake and Aitana. We all came back to Barcelona quickly. The game ended at 3:30 today and we were out of the stadium by 4:15 then we took the speed train from Madrid to Barcelona and got home at 6:30. Plenty of time left in the day.

"So how was it." Aitana smiled big and I couldn't keep a smile off my face.

"The weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders for a moment. I just felt like I could breathe."

"You're so in love right now its not even funny dude. I'm happy for you Blair." Blake told me and then kissed Aitana.

"Now you see how I feel with this little cutie." Aitana giggled as Blake picked her up.

"I was pretty jealous of you two I won't lie but now I don't have to be." I stuck my tongue out at them as I opened the door.

"Hey Lex." I smiled pulling her into a big hug. I looked behind her confused. She told me I got to meet Olga tonight.

"She's coming with Alba later."


"Alba is my younger sister."

" today was a lot huh." I rocked back to my ankles and she smiled.

"I know power couple. Where is she?" Alexia looked around confused as she walked in. I shook my head.

"She just ran home. She'll be here any minute."

"Okay then I have a second to talk to you alone. I love you and Ona so much so I really do not want anything bad to happen. I feel like the two of you are literally meant for each other. Please be careful with her and love her right." I nodded knowing that Ona meant alot to Alexia. She took her under her wing.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

"One more thing. She's twenty four. She's only two years younger but Blair she's not as...advanced as you. I'm not sure that Ona has...umm just be patient with her."

"Oh. Yeah I didn't know that either." I trailed off looking towards the door. Ona, Patri, and Pina walking in.

Ona smiled my way as she walked over and kissed me. I wrapped an arm around her and winked at Alexia as she waved a small goodbye leaving us to have a moment.

"Soooo I know today's been rather overwhelming but things might amp up a little bit more..." I gave her a nervous smile.

"My national teammates maybe coming well as some of the Barca guys-Blake is throwing a party." I finished blurting out and Ona giggled.

"Well you stay by me and I think we'll be alright." I'm being held on a tight leash today. Understandable. Ona heard party and probably thought alcohol and I am not smart with alcohol.

"I'm not sure you have to worry too much about that." I leaned over and connected our lips again this time for a little bit longer but I pulled back when I heard a whistle.

Mapi and Ingrid walked past with a devious smile. Those two kill me. They're not going to let us be for awhile, no doubt.

"So umm I forgot to mention that we invited some of the men's players...and maybe our national team as well." Blake told the players who had arrived so far like it was no big deal.

"Oh wow I love the warning Blake thank you." Lucy told her sarcastically.

"Speaking of." I told them as I went and opened the door to Pedri, Gavi, and João walked in. João and I exchanged an awkward look. He didn't hate me after we ended our little short term relationship. I'm pretty sure he's just happy that he had sex with me.

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