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Ona's POV

"Good Morning!" Blair walked over and kissed my forehead as I woke up. She seemed rather happy and energetic.




"I could have just met you back in Barca." She looked at me worried, but I shook my head.

"I wanted to come."

"You seem less than thrilled right now babe. Tell me what's wrong." I didn't sound happy, because I'm not.

"I'm fine." I snapped at her a bit causing her to turn away.

"I'm going to go jump in the shower." I heard a small sniffle as she shuffled away. Shit, I didn't mean to yell at her like that.

"Blair, wait." 

"Just go lay down Ona. You're tired."

"Blair, look at me." She turned around as a few tears ran down her cheek.

"(I'm sorry.)" I pulled her in tight resting my chin on her shoulder. I just wasn't handling not being around her very well. I hated being apart. Waking up next to her may be the best feeling I will ever experience in life.

"Why are you mad at me?"

"(I just really missed you.)"

"So you're mad that I left Spain."

"(No-I just hated being apart.)"

"So you're upset that I left Spain." Blair giggled lightly as she leaned back in my arms to look at me.

"(I guess so.)"

"That's okay. You're allowed to feel that way just like I was allowed to prioritize myself."

"(You're right I am being selfish.)" I shook my head dropping my arms from around her.

"That is not what I said Ona. We both love each other so much and some people hate to not be attached at all times. I am okay with a little freedom, but you don't like being without me and I get that." She tucked a few hairs behind my ear as I stood there stunned.

When did the tables turn like this? I'm the one who can't figure out how to communicate, but Blair can?

"Don't get upset with me..."

"(I promise I won't.)"

"Maybe you need to see a therapist-because of the accident. I think almost losing me has really taken a mental toll that not even you have registered. It may help you." She held my face with her right and my hand with her left.

"(You think there's something wrong with me?)"

"I know there was something wrong with me...I got through it. I want to help you for once." She told me with the biggest smile on her face. I was proud of her for that.

"(Has anyone ever told you that you are the most beautiful woman in the world inside and out?)" I smiled pressing our lips together.

"They may have, but nobody has shown me that they actually mean it the way you do. I have never felt so loved for just being me by anyone but maybe Blake and David...those two will always be my family and you are too just in a more romantic way you know." She made herself laugh at the end of her comment as she pulled me back in, but just showered me in small kisses around my face and neck.

"Come shower with me?"

"(With pleasure.)"

"Not to interrupt, but flight got moved up an hour...umm did you?"

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