Quarters Pt. 2

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Ona's POV

"You've been avoiding me."

"Yes I have a bit you yelled at-."

"You literally stopped me from having a panic attack at half time. Cut me some slack Batlle." There it was again. That slightly too good pronunciation from the American.

"Why did you snap at me?"

"I didn't like the comment you made and I was already upset. I figured you knew that."

I hummed in response as I felt a hand grip my wrist and rip me around. Damn. I looked her up and down and she quickly released my hand and threw it down.

"Don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." I gave her a small smile which was returned with a smile and hug from her. Hmm that was nice.

"I'm going to play better today." Blair told me confidently. "Is that so?"

"Well if my favorite defender can give me some good assists. Do you think that certain person us going to be able to do that?" She smiled looking down an inch to hold eye contact.

"I don't know ask her." I teased her knowing good and well she was talking about me.

"Okay dummy you and I both know I was talking about you, batlle." She emphasized my name and again and booped my nose.

"Oh I'm your favorite?"

"Whatever." Suddenly her mood dropped as she walked over to Mapi. What the hell was that? I was just teasing her.

I watched as the midfielder stood with our team captain and talked for a good ten minutes. Which meant I sat there like a fool sitting for ten minutes watching the midfielder that was just out of reach.

"Stop staring weirdo." Aitana came over and lightly punched my shoulder.

"(We were joking back and forth then her mood just dropped and she walked away. I don't know what I said wrong.)" I looked over at Aitana with a frown. She pulled me in for a hug and rubbed small circles in my back.

"(It could be nerves again.)"


"(Don't sweat things too much okay?)"

"(Yeah I'll try my best.)"

"(Well you are the best so I'm not worried.)"

"(Love you Tana.)"

I walked over to the hotel lobby couch and avoided all the fans trying to talk to the team. Alexia, Mapi, Ingrid, Patri, Blake, Aitana, and Blair were entertaining most of them right now. I just wasn't in the mood to interact.

I just needed to focus more on playing better this round. Although we won 1-0 the last game we didn't have a very positive performance. I felt like my defending was decent but I'm known for my offense side. I was a great playmaker according to coaches.

I just liked to get up on the attacking third. I enjoyed being part of the scoring. Obviously not often getting the goal myself but I loved having assists.

"What's on your mind?" I looked over at Lucy as she took a seat next to me. Her hand holding my knee and playfully pushing it back and forth.

"I just want to play better today...maybe get an assist for...the team you know."

"For Blair." Lucy smiled.

"I feel partially to blame for her performance last game. I never set her up for any good plays. We usually play much better together."

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