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Ona's POV

"(You've been typing emails and working all day.)" I groaned as I looked over at Blair still working on her laptop. She's been at it for hours. Occasionally I've caught her working on things but never this long while I'm here.

"Babe, I'm almost done." Blair brushed off my complaints not even looking over at me.

"(What so important on that laptop anyways? How is it more important than me?)" I pouted as Blair finally turned around to glare at me. She hated being guilt tripped.

"Come here." She rolled her eyes and back up the chair so I could quickly sit in her lap. I jumped up quickly from the bed with the biggest grin on my face as I ran over to sit on her lap.

Blair quickly turned me around to gently half straddle her lap as she pulled the chair back to the desk and began typing with her right hand while moving her left hand in small circles across my back. I melted into her body satisfied finally from the contact.

"Are you happy now?"

"(So happy.)"

"Good now let me focus and finish this."

"(No complaining for me now.)" I smiled into the crook of her neck as I weaseled my way in.

There was something so soothing about just being held by her. The sound of keyboard turned from annoying to just consistent. I mean if this is a future look of what our life after school will be I'm not entirely opposed. If I get more moments like this I'll be alright.

"Sorry you're having to wait on me to finish all of this business stuff. You know Blake and I still have all these responsibilities as partially owner in the company and whatever." She leaned her her to the side a little and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"It's okay."

"(I promise I am almost done.)"

"(Ugh you two are so annoyingly perfect nowadays.)"

"Unlike your back stabbing lying fiance." I slapped Blair's arm as Aitana laughed at the twin's comment. Blair still hasn't talked to Blake since the meeting a week and a half ago. She's really holding onto this grudge.

"(If it makes you feel any better I yelled at her too, but you're going to have to talk to her sooner or later.)" Aitana shook her head walking back out of the room.

"(Is they who shall not be named also working right now?)" I asked playfully.

"More than likely." She was back in focus mode as she typed fast again.

"(Are you going to talk to her soon?)"

"Well she's getting married soon so I'm sort of forced to. I'm just having a bit of trouble letting this one go. Only like a handful of things would make me even more mad."

"(Hmm like what?)"

"Like if I found out the two of you kissed or something before or during our relationship. I will say one thing I like about you and umm Alexia-sorry-is that Blake never got with either of you. For once I wasn't like the second choice." She shrugged and I began to panic.

Blake and I did kiss. Sure it was that extremely awkward quick one that we immediately laughed about being a mistake but it happened nonetheless. How was I going to tell Blair this without her murdering Blake?

"Why'd you go quiet?"

"I'm just processing. So Lucy, Mallory, even Jake?" She laughed a little and nodded.

"But not you." She smiled wide as she kissed my nose and went back to typing. Fuck fuck fuck fuck why didn't I ever tell her?

I mean how hasn't that come up yet in conversation?!

"Mmm all done!" Blair quickly swooped us both of the desk chair and pinned me on to the bed playfully kissing all around my face.

"I could never imagine loving someone more than you." Her eyes shined so bright as the sun peered in from the window.

"I love you too." I forced out with a fake smile.

"Ugh I am relieved to be done with work for now. It's so exhausting." Blair laid on her back to stare up at the ceiling silently.

"You're going to be able to deal with that right? Like me having to deal with company things? You're not going to be annoyed?" She looked over at me focused.

"What getting to see you wear your glasses while acting all professional and sitting in your lap cuddling up next to you? Yeah honestly that just sounds like such an awful life." I teased her and I could see the relieved smile take over her face.

"I'll never regret coming to Barcelona."

"I'd sure hope not." I smiled as I leaned over to place my head on her shoulder.

"I don't know what I'm going to say to Blake. I can't believe that she kept that from me for so long. I can't believe she did it in the first place. I never thought Blake saw a difference in skill level between the two of us. I never have. I just always saw it as Blake and Blair, the best duo."

"Have you ever told her that?"

"I didn't realize that I needed to."

"Blair, you're twins and yet at times it so odd how connected Blake is to you and how oblivious you are to her feelings." I told her truthfully gaining a pained shrug.

"Blake always been the better twin at dealing with emotions. She's had a lot less effect her."

"Or maybe she just handles it better?" I pushed her to see Blake's point of view. Blair looked over confused as if she was asking whose side I was on.

"Maybe." She huffed out annoyed to admit.

"And maybe there are somethings that you're better at and that there are somethings that she is better at? Just because you are identical twins does not mean you are identical personalities. The two of you are actually very different." I explained to her as well.

"Like what I'm mentally unstable and she's stable." Blair teasingly stuck her tongue out at me.

"Look I know you're pissed at me but could you please look over this appraisal form that the west district sent?" Blake came into our room with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Ona do you hear something?"

"Blair stop being a fucking child I'm not dealing with it. Now please come look over this with me." Blake snapped at her storming away.

"Damn." I slipped out surprised.

"I guess I better go talk to her." I got up and followed Blair to Blake and Aitana's room.

"Alright fine I forgive you for fucking up my life." I rolled my eyes walking into her office.

"Just read the fucking email."

"No." Blair shook her head.

"Okay thank you for fake forgiving me."

"How are you going to be pissed at me when you're the one who deserved to be knocked out in that fucking hall way back at headquarters!" Blair shouted at her twin.

"Come on do it then!" Blake stood up charging towards her twin.

"BLAIR!" I shouted at her mad. Aitana quickly stood in front of Blake and placed her hands on her face.

"Okay Blake please just forward it to Blair. You come on!" I pulled Blair out by the wrist.

"Let go." She tried pulling her hand back but I held my grip tighter.

"What is going on? I've never seen you and Blake like this?" I looked at Blair concerned.

"Ona, I don't get it. I can't seem to let it go...things are just different now." Blair gently shook her head. She picked up her phone and wallet leaving the room.

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