Broken family

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As I made my way home I felt my happiness begin to fade. I knew I was going from laughing and smiling to crying. No way was this my life, it couldn't be. A beaten, broken woman, a part of a broken family.

As I walked through the door of my six-bedroom home I admired every aspect of it. Beautiful carpeted floors with fresh vacuum lines, cream-colored walls with pictures of my family hanging, and my newly renovated kitchen and dining room. My house never ceases to amaze me with its breathtaking decor. Too bad I could never enjoy it too much, because after I think about how nice it is, I'm immediately thinking of how the carpet had to be replaced because too many blood stains scattered across it and my husband got sick of looking at it. Or how the walls only have fresh paint because of me using too much bleach to clean blood off of them too.

Walking up the stairs I began to feel a sense of dread wash over me. That happened most nights but tonight was different. Most nights I usually knew my husband and I would argue about something which would result in my ending up on the floor with a fucked up face. But not this time. We haven't fought in months but something was still telling me not to go into our bedroom. I guess I'll have to find out when I make my way there.

I stepped into one of the twin's rooms but it was empty and so was the other.

"Again." I sighed, closing the door.

I knew something was up now. If the twins weren't home he planned to do me bad. He hated for us to fight while they were here. I finally walked into the most gorgeous room in the whole house. The master bedroom, where I've endured the worst of the worst pain and also the happiest moments of my life. Crazy right?

"Where you been?" Lester said as I fully made my presence aware in the room.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed fully dressed even though it was going on midnight.

"Had to work a double."I lied as I grabbed my things to take a shower, not even looking at him.

"Where's the boys?"

"With my mama." Of course.

"You wanna tell me where you really been?"

"I just told you I was working, Lester" I said already over this entire conversation.

I heard him chuckle as he got off the bed walking toward me in the bathroom. I was in the mirror tying my hair up as he walked in behind me and stared at me in the mirror. I looked back at him almost jumping at the dead stare he gave me.

"You were workin' but Jennifer said you left at three." Shit, he called my nosy ass coworker Jennifer.

I knew I was caught but I also knew he didn't really care where I was. Just trying to start an argument for whatever reason and I wasn't about to play into his mind games. Not tonight.

" I don't know why she told you that, you can ask Brooklyn. She walked with me to my damn car." I said while catching a little attitude to make it more believable.

That was pointless though considering what happened next. Before I knew it I was gripped by the back of my neck and thrown to the ground. Lester gripped me back up by my shirt getting in my face.


I smelled nothing but Dusse from his breath. Of course, his ass was drunk, at this point when wasn't he? I closed my eyes, bracing for impact but instead, he just let me go. I opened back up with confusion written all over my face. Lester didn't say another word to me, instead he just shook his head turning and walking out. I heard him jogging down the stairs and I knew exactly where he was going. I got up and got to the top of the stairs just as he was making his way to the door.

"Tell Courtney I said hello." I told him in a dry tone.

He paused for a brief second before continuing right out the door. I was both heartbroken and relieved watching him go. Crazy right?

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