Love Dont Change

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Lee's POV

"Damn girl this is nicee." I dragged as I walked around Aniyah's new apartment.

Her parents had put an apartment in her name and paid up her rent for a year as a graduation gift. It was a beautiful two bedroom two bathroom with fresh grey carpet and and newly renovated kitchen with a pretty granite island and countertops.

"Thanks boo, I still can't believe they did this for me." She smiled as we sat on her king-sized bed.

"I can but what I can't believe is they paid your rent. I know that shit was expensive."

"Who you telling? My dad says I have to pay after the first year but I plan to just keep doing hair and save up for that time." She explained.

I nodded listening. "You gone do hair in here?"

"Girl fuck no." She laughed. "This apartment is too nice and this is my sanctuary. There's a shop down on Melwood that I think will let me just rent out a booth."

"Ok, that's smart." I smiled looking around again. "This bitch is beautiful Aniyah."

"I know but let's talk about what's really beautiful. You're looking better these days." She grinned giving me a look.

"I feel better." I smiled. "Thanks for the wig booski."

Aniyah had installed a fresh red wig on me a couple of days ago and Lester had paid for me to get my lashes and nails done and get waxed. I looked good and felt even better.

"Anytime. But what's up with you? I feel like I haven't seen you in years." She tossed her head back dramatically.

"Not much really. I just be in the house." I shrugged.

"Is Mr man doing better?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Mr man?" I laughed. "He's doing much better. We don't argue nearly as much and he's home more often. And not to mention a bitch is being spoiled left and right."

I lifted my wrist to show the tennis bracelet I was gifted last week. Since that talk we had a month ago, Lester has been on his p's and q's. He hasn't hit me once, and we usually can avoid getting into it with each other. His new product is selling great too so he always comes home with a new gift, anything from something small like some roses to something bigger like a new Chanel bag.

"Damn bitch he's icing you out like that?" She held my wrist admiring the diamond bracelet."

"Girl yes, I don't know what happened but that nigga must have finally realized what he has and is now acting like it." I rolled my neck.

"Hell yeah." She laughed. "I'm glad to hear that, girl you're glowing. Your ass better not be pregnant again." She pointed at me.

"Please." I scoffed. "That won't happen anytime soon. I'm on birth control."

"Good! Since when?" She beamed at me.

"A couple of weeks ago. Girl why come when I told Lester about it he tried to ask me why I wanna get on the pill?"

"Umm because it would be idiotic for you to not be on it." Aniyah screwed her face up. "The fuck is he tryna do trap you?"

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