Meet The Family

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Lee's POV

"Happy birthday" I smirked lifting my head from under the covers to see Lester looking tired and satisfied.

I had to wake him up to some head for his birthday. I thought I was actually doing something but I was proven wrong when we started to hear the headboard banging against the wall from Landin's room. Before long D's loud ass moans we're following, I could never get used to hearing that shit.

"Thank you, baby." Lester said wrapping his arms around me as our naked bodies lay tangled up under the blanket. We had to bring in his birthday with a bunch of sex last night too.

The girls made me an appointment at the clinic a few days ago and come to find out I was nine weeks pregnant, which saddened me because that meant I got pregnant before we were even together. I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. At first, I didn't want to keep this baby, but being there seeing the little bean on the ultrasound, and hearing the heartbeat made mine skip a beat. I instantly fell in love and I was just hoping Lester felt the same when I told him tomorrow. I was gonna let him enjoy his birthday tonight before I dropped the news but it was getting hard to give him excuses as to why I couldn't smoke with him right now or why I was sometimes too tired for sex.

"Lee!" Lester said knocking me out of my trance.


"What you thinking about?"


"Yes you was, you started breathing heavy and shit like you always do when you thinking. Tell me wassup." He said slowly rubbing my bare back.

"Nothing." I chucked looking up at him. "I'm just excited about tonight."

"Shit me too." He smiled. "We rey turn that muthafucker out."

I just propped my chin up on my hands as they lay on his chest, admiring him. I felt so lucky to be with Lester. I never thought he would give me the time of day but I hope he knew now since he did, he wasn't going anywhere. I knew bitches threw themselves at him daily but I would shut that shit down immediately.

"You look so beautiful." He rubbed my cheek. "Even if yo breath smells like dick." He laughed as I hit his chest.

"Fuck you, bruh."

"Ight I'm playing, for real let's take a picture." He said pulling his phone out. I laid back on his chest and covered half my face because I looked a damn fool in the camera. He just smiled, took the picture, then posted it to his story.

"You ready for your gifts?"

"Hell yea." He instantly sat up tossing me to the side.

"Well damn, I see where your priorities at." I said grabbing one of his hoodies and tossing it on as he threw on some basketball shorts. It came down right past my ass so as long as I didn't bend over we were good.

I left his room grabbing the bags from the hallway closet before coming back. I came back smiling and gave them to him and watched in awe as he opened the video games smiling big.

"You got me 2k? You the goat for real baby."

He then opened his outfits admiring all of them. He held back up a tan dickies outfit that I bought him. "I'm putting this muthafucker on tonight." He smiled making me smile big in return.

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