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Lee's POV

I woke up wrapped in Beezy's arms. I had to pee so I tried to slide from under him but he just tightened his hold on me.

"Where you going?" He spoke with a deep morning voice, eyes still closed.

"To the bathroom." He took his arm from around me and I got up to release myself.

As I was on the toilet I caught a slight attitude because I remembered it was Friday and not Saturday, meaning instead of being able to lay up with Beezy all day, I had to be at work in a little bit.

I finished up in the bathroom and came into the room climbing back into bed with Beezy. I slowly crept on top of him and snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his big arm around my back. I didn't wanna do anything but this all day.

"You sleep?" I asked him.

"Nah, wassup." He asked clearly still half asleep.

I laughed because he always did this. Beezy is usually up before I am but on the off chance I get up before he does, he always claims to be awake but his eyes are closed and he's snoring.

I sat up off his chest and just straddled him. He was perfect. With his muscles and tattoos on full display, I admired him. He was laid on his back with his left arm behind his head as he slept with it turned to the side. He looked so peaceful.

"Stop staring at me." He said before turning his head and finally opening his eyes.

"I can't help it, look at that face." I joked before leaning down and kissing him. His breath was kicking, but those pillow-soft lips almost distracted me.

"Go brush your teeth." I sat back up wiping my mouth.

He just laughed and gently removed me from his lap, getting up and going into the bathroom. As I waited for him to come back to bed I got on my phone and seen D had sent me a picture of my nephew sprawled out all across the bed. I smiled at his bad self, he was a mess. I loved the message and texted her back.


Mamabear ❤️🐻: sitting in the living room watching tv, I'm not waking his bad ass up rn

Me: He knocked out 😂

Mamabear ❤️🐻: he's been up all night ofc he's knocked 🙄

We set up for me to come see them tomorrow as Beezy came back into the room. He looked like he was in pain as he was twisting his face up.

"You ok?" I gave him a look of concern.

"Yea I'm smoove, I think I just went too hard on my back yesterday." He plopped down on the bed, lying on his stomach.

"Always in that damn gym." I shook my head laughing.

"You said you was gonna come with me, what happened to that?" He crossed his arms and looked up at me.

"I will, when you going back?"

"Today." He laughed.

"Well you know I can't today. I have work and then we're going out with Aniyah and Aj."

"Right, what about tomorrow?"

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