Good News(?)

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Lee's POV

We came back in town a few days later. Besides that tantrum Lester threw, my birthday trip was a success. Surprisingly we got through it with no arguments or fights, we just spent our time being in each other's faces.

We had a ball. Lester took me shopping and bought damn near the whole mall. He bought me shoes, clothes, jewelry, all types of stuff. He even got me this pretty ass promise ring and it hasn't left my finger since he put it on. I was in love and I don't think me and Lester have been in a better place than we are right now.

We also went clubbing a couple more times and without running into unwanted people, it was super fun. We took walks on the beach, ate at a bunch of fancy restaurants, we even went on jet skis. I did it up for my 18th.

We were both exhausted by the time we got back home and I just wanted to get in bed and pass out for a couple of days. When we walked in the door Chloe ran up to us barking and wagging her little tail. I loved how she was always so excited to see us, well me. Lester claimed he hated the dog, but I would catch them playing sometimes. He was the one who bought her these cute little pink bows to put around her ears.

Lester walked straight to the room as I leaned down to pick up my princess. She barked before licking my face. "Hey, pretty girl." I squealed while rubbing her head.

I had picked her up above my head and was making kissing noises at her when D walked into the living room. "Finally, I'm sick of her lil clingy ass. She's been following me around and even started sleeping on me." She rolled her eyes as she plopped down on the couch.

"Don't do my baby, she's not clingy. It's just her mama was gone so she had to settle for the next available thing." I said in a smug tone while sitting next to her and placing Chloe in my lap.

"So how was the trip?"

"It was amazing, we had so much fun." I beamed. "Look what he got me!" I held my hand out showing my ring.

"He proposed?" D asked almost snatching my arm out of its socket to look at my ring.

"Girl no, it's a promise ring." I laughed pulling my arm back. "I'm too young for an engagement."

"You think so?" She looked towards me.

"Yes, we haven't even hit our one-year mark yet. And a fiancé at 18? C'mon now D."

I loved Lester with everything in me, but right now we definitely weren't ready for marriage. We were way too young and I didn't know the first thing about being somebody's wife. Later on down the line maybe, but right now? Hell no.

"Man if Landin proposed to me right now, we would be in somebody's chapel by tomorrow. I don't think age has anything to do with it, I think it's about the love you share with that person. I'll be honest I didn't want you and Twin together at first, but y'all grew on me. I see he makes you happy and you do the same for him and that's all I want for both of y'all." D spoke patting my leg.

"Awwnn really D?" I sat my head back against the couch.

"Yea." She laughed. "He treats you right and that's all that matters. Plus since you're 18 age is no longer a factor. I'm happy for you." She smiled.

"I appreciate that D, I hated feeling like you didn't approve of my relationship."

"It's not that I didn't approve I just didn't think he was serious about you, but I stand corrected and I'm glad he proved me wrong. Y'all are good for each other."

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