Playing House

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Lester's POV

It's been a few days since Lee moved in and I still haven't processed it. I felt like letting her stay with me was the right thing to do since her people was tripping on her but damn, it's hard being around her like this. She's changed since the situation with the baby. I understand that but she gotta get over that shit at some point. I felt bad but I didn't feel half of what she felt cause I didn't even know she was pregnant. When I found out I was pissed she didn't tell me right away and pissed that Courtney's wild ass was the cause of all this shit.

I knew Courtney was a crazy bitch but I'd never thought she would do some evil shit like this. Best believe I handled her ass though.


"Lester, please! Stop!" Courtney screamed at the top of her lungs as I continued sending blows to her face. I was livid at what she did and she was gone feel me right now.

"Nah Shutup bitch, you gone kill my fucking child?" I yelled punching her in her eye again. She was fucked up. Her nose was most likely broken with blood dripping from it into her mouth, both her eyes were black and swollen with the right one being completely shut, and her lips were all purple. I wasn't playing with this bitch today.

"I didn't know!" She screamed trying to shield her face. That just pissed me off more so I gripped her by her shirt, throwing her on her back before repeatedly stomping her in her chest and stomach.

"That shit don't feel good huh?" I yelled down at her. I was satisfied once I heard something crack and she screamed out. I punched her again in the mouth before I heard her front door open, I was hoping it was that nigga she been with.

"Court I got you some- oh my god what are you doing!" Her mom screamed when she came into her room and saw what was happening. She grabbed onto my shirt trying to pull me off her daughter, enraging me even more.

"Bitch back up before I blow your shit back!" I turned around pulling my blick out and aiming it at her.

She put her hands up with a terrified look on her face as Courtney lay by my foot groaning. She spit out blood and a tooth. She was done for and I was positive from this point on she would act right.

"You say anything about this to anybody, and I'll be back over here." I said lowly pressing my gun into her mama's forehead. She quickly nodded her head as tears streamed down her face. I just walked out tryna wipe the blood off my hands.

I did all that for Lee and I just felt like her ass was very unappreciative of what I'm doing for her.

"C'mon bruh you gotta eat something." I said trying to hand her a bowl of grapes. She only ate enough so she wouldn't starve to death but I noticed that every time she did eat, it was purple grapes.

She just stared ahead at my TV watching Grey's anatomy and ignoring me.

"Taleeyah." I said trying to calm myself down. "Eat the fucking grapes."

"I don't want them." She said sternly looking at me with a glare before turning back to the TV.

I tried to breathe and calm my nerves but I wasn't for the disrespect. Here she was in my fucking house acting like I did something to her when if anything, I'm the one keeping her dumbass off the streets. She was exhausting me and I knew I had to leave now or I was gone explode on her ass.

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