Follow Through

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Lester's POV

"You ready to see yo granny?" I said to Caiden while walking into my mama's house.

"You're late." She walked into the living room taking Caiden from my arms. "And her hair is not done, come on now Lester." She sighed.

"My bad I overslept, and her hair is done."

"It's barely in a ponytail, you call this done?" She touched around in my daughter's head.

Caiden was going with her granny to some Christmas festival. I had her dressed up nice in a little Christmas-themed dress but we were rushing and since she's teething, Caiden has been a lil bit of a problem. From when she was a newborn she's been a good and happy baby. She has her moments where she acts like a crybaby but other than that she's fine, especially with me. But now all she does is scream and cry and she did that all morning while I tried to get her ready.

"She wouldn't let me do it."

"Boy please, who's the parent? Let's go take care of that head girl." She spoke turning and going upstairs.

I just shook my head sitting down on the couch. I was typing away on my phone when I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Wassup, youngster?" Charles spoke sitting next to me.

"Wassup man?" I gave him dap.

He shrugged. "I was ready to head out the door but we gotta fix your child up first." He joked.

I waved him off. "It ain't gone take no time to throw it in a ponytail, y'all not gone miss nothing."

"Who not? They have my favorite live band playing at 4." He checked his watch. "It's 3:50."

"My bad, Caiden was throwing a fit this morning." I stressed wiping my hand down my face.

"I get that." He looked to me and laughed. "You remind me of my oldest son."

"You got a son?" I frowned at him, my mama never mentioned him having kids before.

He nodded. "Two actually, 26 and 24."

"Why come we never heard of these sons before?"

He threw his hands up in surrender. "Hey, ask your mama that question, I told her when we met." He chuckled.

"What you laughing at?" My mama emerged down the steps with my baby on her hip, hair looking slightly better than before.

"Your son."

"Mama, why you ain't tell us he got kids?"

"You didn't ask." She shrugged. "Now get outta here, we're about to leave."

"Well damn, just kick me out I guess." I stood up.

I walked over to my baby and gave her a wet kiss on the cheek. "Be good for yo granny, I'll see you later Ight?"

I took her small hand in mine and watched as she just placed her head on her granny's shoulder.

"Is she staying with me or you picking her up?" She asked looking up at me.

"You want me to come get her?"

"Not really."

"Then I won't." I shrugged. "I'll let Courtney know." I threw over my shoulder as I made my way out the door.

"Ok." She shouted as I was closing the front door.

"Shit, it's cold." I breathed out getting into the car. Christmas was in five days so the ground was covered in snow and the wind was blowing on top of it only being 28 degrees outside.

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