Stick With You

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Lester's POV

"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself after getting off the phone with Lee.

She sounded like she was crying and I had a feeling it had something to do with that pretty boy she been with. I told her punk ass to leave dude. My hand twitched at the thought of him hurting her. I been waiting on that nigga to give me a reason, and for his sake, I hope he didn't.

I heard hard pounding on my door and was about to get mad until I realized it had to be Lee. I opened the door and instantly got mad. She was standing there with her shirt ripped, her hair all over her head, and I could tell she was crying from her red puffy eyes and pale face.

She looked at me for a second before her lip quivered and she fell into me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as she sobbed on my shoulder. I instantly embraced her, holding her tight as she cried.

"Lester, I'm sorry." She wept. "You were right, I should've cut him off! I can't believe he did that to me!"

Her body shook a bit as she continued to cry in my arms. What he do to her? I rubbed her back and slowly walked us back into the warm apartment.

"What he do?" I whispered.

She just cried harder at my question making me mad. He had to have hit her, and if he did I was gone handle dude. Ain't nobody gone get away with putting hands on my girl, especially to the point where she's shaking and crying like she is now.

"Lee, you gotta tell me what happened."

Her cries calmed down and eventually, she pulled away from me. I watched intently as she took off her jacket and tossed it on the couch. Her face was blank but I saw the hurt in her still. She sighed rubbing her head before speaking.

"He found the hickey you gave me and-and he tossed me around and he choked me. He almost killed me, Lester, I couldn't breathe!"

She started choking over her words and crying again so I quickly wrapped my arms back around her. She wrapped her arms back around me and we just stood there in the middle of my living room holding each other as she sobbed against my chest. I hated to see her so scared.

I felt the wetness on my shirt from her tears as she continued. "You're ok, baby, I gotchu." I whispered softly in her ear. I gave her a tender kiss on her earlobe and heard her sigh as I did it.

"I love you." She croaked.

"I love you too." I held her tighter.

At that point, she was still crying but no longer sobbing. I heard her sniff before holding her shoulders and pulling away. I looked directly into her eyes as I held her shoulders tight so she knew I wasn't playing.

"I want you to stay here while I go handle that for you. Ight?"

She furrowed her eyebrows with a pout. "No don't leave me here! I don't want you doing anything to him just leave it alone Lester, please."

"Hell no." I frowned. "That nigga put his hands on you! You think I'm gone let that slide?"

"Please, I don't want you getting in trouble over him. He doesn't matter to me anymore. I just wanna stay here and be with you tonight." She looked tired as she shifted her weight to the other leg, pleading with me.

I sighed knowing I wasn't leaving tonight. I will catch dude, but at another time. Right now I had to focus on my baby and making sure she was ok. I needed her to feel safe.

"I can't let him get away with that shit Lee." I looked down to her.

She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes. I hated how dude ruined them for me right now. They weren't lit up like they always are. They were dull and matched the theme of sadness that was all over her face. She looked drained and the more I looked at her the more angry I got.

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