All I Want Is You

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Lee's POV

"Nana, do you know where my zebra bonnet is?" I asked as I appeared in her doorway.

"No ma'am, I think your papa washed it last night." She said looking up at me from the magazine she was reading.

"Ughh" I expressed turning away. I hated when my papa went into my room just grabbing shit he thought was dirty.

"Um, what's all that about?" My nana said with her face twisted up at my mini tantrum.

"I need that bonnet for my wig, that's my big one and I only have my small one now." I said pouting.

"Oh girl hush, borrow mine!" She said retreating to her bathroom before coming back out with a big pink bonnet.

"Thank you." I said grabbing it from her.

"Girl what's up with you, you running around here like a chicken with your head cut off. Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm just tryna hurry, Aniyah needs me there so we can make the movie on time." I said lying to her.

I wasn't going to a movie with Aniyah, I was staying over at Lester's house tonight. He told me we were going out tonight to some restaurant and he wanted me to stay the night after, and I was all for it.

"Is it gonna kill you to miss a few previews, calm down." She said as she watched me run around the house packing stuff into my overnight bag, trying to make sure I wouldn't forget anything.

I'd never stayed over at a boy's house before. I spent the day at Brandon's house a couple of times but no nights, my grandparents didn't play that. And they liked Brandon so I knew they would immediately dead the idea of me staying with someone they've never met.

"No, but I don't wanna miss it either. It looked like a good movie." I said getting the last of my belongings heading for the door.

"Damn well love you too I guess." My nana said as I passed her. "Sorry." I said quickly hugging her.

"Mhmm, when will you be back?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Ok be safe in that car, y'all have fun."

"We will, bye." I said kissing her cheek and finally making my way out the door before getting in the car, pulling off.

I made it to Lester's in about 20 minutes, seeing only him and Landin were parked in the driveway. I got to the door knocking on it lightly before playing with my fingers. I was so nervous my stomach was doing backflips. Before long Lester opened the door smiling down at me.

"Wassup, you look good." He said licking his lips looking me up and down. I wore a brown floral, sleeveless body suit with a pair of oversized light jeans. I paired it with my yellow Michael Kors shoulder bag, gold jewelry, and gold heels.

"Thank you." I said smiling back up at him as he moved letting me in the house fully. He looked good too, as always. He wore a green Nike hoodie, with dark grey jeans and a pair of green and orange Jordan ones. As I passed him I got a whiff of his cologne and weed, making me melt.

"You ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yea just let me sit my stuff down." I said walking down the hallway towards his room.

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