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Lester's POV

"You gonna come sing happy birthday or you still pouting?" Courtney walked over to me holding Caiden with an annoyed look on her face.

I just sighed and stood up so we can get this shit over with. Since that fight we had last week, me and Courtney haven't spoke at all. I would just FaceTime her and she would give Caiden the phone, we would "talk" for a little bit, and then I hang up and go about my day. This the first time I went more than a couple days without seeing my baby and it was eating me up, but I just couldn't deal with her fuck ass mama.

I took Caiden from her mama's arms and followed her into her small kitchen where everybody stood around the table so we could sing. It was only me, Courtney, Cheryl, and a few of Courtney's cousins so I was bored as hell and very uninterested in all this shit. Plus I was rolling, so my tolerance for bullshit was really at an all-time low.

"You recording?" Courtney looked to her mama with a small smile. She nodded and Courtney turned to Caiden who was in my arms laughing at her.

"One, two, three. Happy birthday!" We all sang out after Cheryl did a countdown.

We were singing to Caiden and she was babbling trying to sing the song with us making me laugh. I swear my daughter was my whole world, that's why I put up with half the shit I do.

"Yay!!" Courtney clapped as we finished singing the song getting Caiden excited as she bounced around in my arms.

"Ayyy!" She yelled out clapping her hands.

Cheryl cut pieces of cake for everybody and I sat down to feed Caiden her small piece. Her lil fat ass was fucking this cake up, she made me want a piece. She was done so I grabbed a piece of my own but I made the mistake of still having her in my lap. She tried to take the fork from my hand as I was putting it in my mouth so I grabbed her hand and softly placed it down. She started throwing a fit after that and whining, getting her mama's attention.

"What's wrong?" She walked up on us with a look of concern.

"She's mad I won't feed her more cake."

"Really, Lester." She straight faced me placing her hand on her hip. "You can't give her a bite of cake?"

"Nigga she just ate a whole piece. That's why she's meaty now, all you do is let her eat everything." I raised my voice getting annoyed with her talking to me.

"Are you serious right now, she's one! She can have a lil baby weight, I did." She turned her lip up at me as I noticed her fading black eye. "Plus it's her fucking birthday, is it gone kill you to give her another lil bite?"

"No, but is it gone kill you to stop shoving food in her mouth every time she cries?"

Her jaw clenched and she took a deep breath before speaking again. "You lucky all these people are here right now, here give me my baby." She snatched Caiden from my lap making her whine but of course, she stopped once her mama gave her some cake.

I just stayed in the kitchen as everybody else migrated to the living room watching something on TV. I was just bored scrolling on my phone. I responded to text of Landin and Zay saying happy birthday to Caiden. I wished I could've had my niggas here, but I knew that wouldn't go right. Landin wouldn't put up with Cheryl's smart-ass mouth the way I would and Zay never had a problem telling Courtney about herself when she got crazy in front of him.

As I was scrolling through stories I saw Lee's and saw she posted a couple pictures of herself and liked those. The one that caught my attention was a video of her right bicep with a fresh tattoo. It was a hand with long acrylic nails holding up a heart with a bunch of breaks and cracks in it with a bandaid over the top. I replied to her story "who you think you are getting all these tattoos?"

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