So Disappointed

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Lester's POV

I forgot that I invited Jenea's ass to the party. But I'm glad she came cause I don't know what was about to happen. Jenea was just glaring looking back and forth between me and Lee but she was too drunk to notice anything but me. I unwrapped Lee from around me and placed her back against the wall before going over to Jenea.

"Wassup, girl?" I tried to hug her and play it off.

"Ain't no wassup, what are you doing over there with her?" She questioned frowning up at me.

"Nothing she's drunk, I was tryna help her back into the living room." I lied.

"Then why the fuck was she wrapped around you smiling all in your face and shit!" She yelled making people look at us.

I hated when bitches tried to make a scene, especially because she wasn't my girl and she knew that. I gripped her up by her arm and dragged her with me to my room because now she had me fucked up. I slammed my door and threw her down on my bed but she instantly sat up ready to argue. Jenae was quick to try and argue with me.

"Who the fuck is she!" She yelled pointing toward my door.

"I just told yo ass she was drunk and I was helping her to the couch, she grabbed me so she wouldn't fall again." I could always lie easily.

"Yea right, you two were all cuddled up alone in the hallway looking like you're in love or some shit! Why would you invite me here if you were just gonna be all up on the girls here?" She asked looking like she was about to cry.

Oh my god. I hated when bitches tried to pull tears on me cause I never cared. It just made the whole situation awkward. The only thing keeping me from throwing her ass out was my Xan that was kicking in. I was calming myself down and I was starting to get lightheaded.

"Well maybe if you came earlier I wouldn't have the opportunity to even be in a bitch face like that." I shrugged, not caring about this conversation anymore.

"Oh, really? Cause I'm supposed to just jump up and be ready when you say so right? Fuck you, Twin! I'm sick of playing these childish ass games with you! I'm starting to think you do this shit on purpose just to make me mad!" She shouted.

I didn't do anything to make her mad, she was just overly jealous, which was crazy because once again she's not my girl at all. Jenea was always ready to have a screaming match with me cause I do what I want when I want. But she never leaves a nigga alone either.

"Bruh you not my bitch, stop acting like that." I looked at her with a straight face.

"Not your bitch!? So once again what the fuck did you invite me here for?" She yelled getting in my face.

I don't like to argue but sometimes it's a turn-on to see a shorty getting all worked up over me.

"I invited you 'cause I wanted to see you Jenea, but if you gone keep doing this you can leave." I spoke knowing she wouldn't. She just stared at me.

"That's what I thought, now lose the attitude."

"Fuck you, you can have fun with that whore and all your other whores cause after tonight, you can forget about me bitch ass nigga." She spat looking at me with nothing but hate.

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