Where It All Began

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Seven years earlier...

It was April. I, a sixteen-year-old Lee was bored as hell in my eleventh-grade science class. I couldn't focus for shit. I had so much on my mind and it didn't help that science just wasn't my favorite subject anyway.

"Girl, you good?" My best friend Aniyah asked me. "You been spacing out all day, wassup?"

"Girl you know I can't stand Mr. Bonner's boring ass." I said rolling my eyes. "Plus you know Brandon still hadn't even asked me to be his date for prom."

Brandon was my boyfriend of almost a year. We'd begun dating last summer and he meant everything to me, mostly because he introduced me to everything. I didn't know much about relationships or boys period before him. He taught me how to kiss, roll weed, and even drive. I gave him my virginity and everything. We'd been doing great up until maybe a couple of weeks ago. He's been ignoring my messages and acting weird every time I bring up prom, it was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Girl ew, why is he on lame shit?" She frowned. "He probably assumes y'all going together anyway just because y'all dating."

"I hope not what the fuck, I've already told him I wanted a cute prom-posal last year so he knows wassup."

"Well, then he probably is getting it together now on some surprise shit and just wants you to feel like he's not doing anything so it's more of a surprise later on." She suggested with a shrug.

"Oouuu, you think so?" I said cheesing, now thinking about it.

"Look at you all excited now, girl calm down!" She laughed.

"Fuck you." I laughed too.

It wasn't really funny though because unless he's planning to surprise me, there's no reason for Brandon to have yet to ask me to prom when it's only a month away.

As the day went on I could barely get ahold of Brandon at all, until I saw him walking to his homeboy Larry's car after school.

"Brandon, wait!" I yelled after him. He turned around looking confused and then annoyed.

"Wassup, Lee?" He sighed.

"Don't 'wassup Lee' me, where the fuck have you been?"

"At school." He spoke in a duh tone, irritating me completely.

"Obviously, why haven't you been answering your phone?"

"I been busy."

"Busy with what?" I asked getting frustrated with the whole thing.

"Why does it matter bruh, what you need?" Oh this nigga lost his mind.

"What I need? What I need is for my boyfriend to acknowledge me every once in a while!"

"You being dramatic once again, look L3 waiting on me can this hurry up?" He spoke referring to his lame-ass homeboy who honked his horn at us from across the parking lot.

"I don't give a fuck about him he can wait, why you acting weird all of a sudden?" I asked genuinely confused about his recent behavior.

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