
56 3 17

Lester's POV

"Ight Ight, I quit!" I raised my voice, covering my face with my hand.

"Nah, keep talking!" Courtney taunted, hovering over me with her knee in between my legs.

She was mad because I told her I didn't want her cooking anything for Thanksgiving. The plan was for us to just go to my dukes' crib and that's how I needed it to stay. She started giving me playful licks and pushed me down onto the bed and was trying to knee me in my dick. Caiden was in her playpen bouncing her legs all hard while yelling and laughing at us.

"I was playing, bruh, damn!" She backed up off me and I sat up, we both just started laughing. We took edibles earlier and they were starting to kick in.

"You play too much, I don't wanna make a whole lot. Maybe some chicken, macaroni-"

"Let me stop you right there." I held my hand up. I slowly shook my head and looked to her.

"I've had that macaroni Court, no."

She pushed my chest. "Stop! It is not that bad." She smiled.

It was that bad. Her shit was dry and she put way too much seasoning in it. Felt like I was eating a block of government cheese with all types of salt and shit on it. Courtney was cute but she couldn't cook like that, so we can skip the cooking for this year.

"Yes it is, why you worried 'bout it? It ain't like we gone starve." I spoke packing caidens bag so we could get ready to leave.

"But I should be able to cook for my baby on Thanksgiving." She held a small pout on her face.

"It's only her first Thanksgiving, we gone have more and you can learn later. I already told my mama we coming and she's excited to see Caiden, so we don't have a choice." I snickered.

She just shook her head and got Caiden in her car seat. We left her apartment and got in my car to go see the Christmas lights. They had it set up somewhere downtown where you could drive through and look at the decorations. I thought it was early as hell to be doing all that since it's not even December, but Courtney insisted we go now.

Caiden had fell asleep early into the ride so I was just listening to my playlist. I peeped Courtney texting on her phone and she looked focused so I decided to fuck with her.

"Who you texting?" I glanced at her with my eyebrow raised.

"Nobody." She said still focused on the phone.

I quickly snatched the phone and she snatched it back before I could look at it.

"The fuck is wrong with you nigga! You don't snatch my phone unless you paying this bill." She fussed rolling her neck.

"Cut all that out before you wake my daughter. Who you texting?" I looked to her.

"Why do you care?" She rolled her eyes.

"I don't." I shrugged.

"Then shut up." She whined.

I stopped because she was starting to blow my high. I just wanted to do some family shit but Courtney always gotta ruin it with her stank-ass attitude.

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