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Lester's POV

"What the fuck is all these dishes doing in the sink? You don't see that shit?" I yelled to Lee as she was laying on the living room couch chilling with Chloe, meanwhile my sink was filled to the brim.

"I'm gonna get it later damn, I just made a fucking feast! Let me rest for a lil bit." She yelled back.

I looked over to the dishes again, getting even more mad. "You been resting all day the fuck you mean, how much rest yo lazy ass need?" I shouted back.

She hopped up and stormed into the kitchen. "I'm lazy? Me? The same one who cleans your room, does your laundry, and cooks for you? Fuck you Lester, don't come in here with that stank ass attitude cause I didn't do anything to you!" She yelled in my face.

"Yea you fucking lazy, if you do all that shit then why would it be so hard to wash the damn dishes?"

"You wash the dishes! It's the least your ungrateful ass can do since I've already done everything else!" She screamed as she turned walking into the room and slamming the door.

She was right, I could do the dishes but it was so many that I didn't even wanna touch that shit. To be honest I wasn't even mad forreal but I been stressing over this shit with Courtney. We took the DNA test and we should get the results back in a few days. The closer to the day we get the more anxious I get and it's been spilling over into my relationship with Lee. Everything just has me on edge and I don't like that.

I just decided to knock out the dishes before I walked back into the room. Lee saw me and quickly wiped her eyes, letting me know she was crying.

"Baby I'm sorry, I wasn't tryna make you cry." I climbed on the bed trying to wrap my arms around her but she pushed me off.

"Get off me, Lester." That shit hurt my feelings lowkey.

"Cmon man chill out." I smacked my teeth.

"No, you can't just barge in the house screaming and then act like everything is fine. And then you call me lazy like I don't literally do everything for you! That's not fair to me." She spoke with her voice cracking.

"I know baby I was tripping and I'm sorry. I know you not lazy, it's just that I been stressing lately but I shouldn't be taking it out on you."

"Why are you stressing?" She looked to me with concern.

"I'm moving all this fent and the feins is eating it up, but my main od'd on that shit." I shook my head thinking about it.

Since I sold it to her the first time a few months ago, I seen Leslie decline rapidly. I learned her work schedule based off when she would hit me up. She went from only wanting me to serve her after she got off to all times of the day, which let me know she got fired. Leslie was a heavyset woman but I seen her lose about fifty pounds in just a couple months.

I almost cut her off but a nigga had to make his money regardless. Her home went from cluttered to simply dirty. She didn't keep up with her appearance like she used to and I was getting concerned but it was too late. Addison called me late one night and at first I didn't answer thinking she wanted dick, but after she called multiple times I knew something was up.   I answered and heard her ear splitting screams and after I got her to calm down she let me know she found her aunt in the bathroom.

Leslie was pronounced dead an hour later after the ambulance was called. I couldn't help but feel guilty because I introduced her to the shit. Landin let me know it wasn't on me cause she knew what she was buying and she knew to only do it in moderation, but addiction made you do stupid shit.

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