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Lee's POV

I sat on a bench holding myself and trying to find the courage to go back inside. I was sobered up now and no longer had the desire to party, but I didn't want to ruin the night for everyone else.

A few minutes later I heard a familiar engine and the muffled sounds of nba young boy playing on the speakers. I looked up to see Beezy rolling up beside me on the street.

"Lee baby, what are you doing out here?" He hopped out the car and ran over to me with a look of concern.

I look up at him, which was a mistake in itself.

"You been crying?" He reached down and lightly ran his finger under my eye.

"It's nothing serious." I shrugged and stood up. "Can you take me home please?"

He nodded and helped me in the car. As he got back in his seat he turned to me and placed his hand on my thigh.

"Lee you know you can tell me wassup. You just disappeared, you scared me."

"I didn't mean to scare you I just needed some fresh air."

"Look at me."

I looked over at him and saw how concerned he looked. It was a look of fear, curiosity, and the desire to help. "What happened?" He spoke slowly.

I sighed. "Nothing happened, I'm just ready to go. I wasn't having fun."

"Did Aniyah say something to you?"

"No Beezy, I just want to get outta here. Can we do that please?" I got aggravated so there was a tone in my voice.

He said nothing else as he just turned the music up and rode us back to the apartment complex, in complete silence.

"You going to your place or mine?"


He nodded and parked the car in front of his building, shutting the car off and coming over to my side to let me out. I could tell he had a few drinks because on the way up Beezy couldn't keep his hands off me. When he got tipsy he became really touchy-feely, but I was ok with that. I had to get my mind off Lester and fast.

Before the front door could even fully shut I had backed Beezy up on the wall and was pressing my body into his as I kissed him hungrily. He moaned into my mouth and that turned me on even more. His hands found their way to my ass and he gripped it so hard he lifted me off the ground a little bit. I slid his vest off and tossed my jacket before pulling away and whispering in his ear.

"Can I give you head?" I spoke licking his ear lobe.

"Nah let me get you first." He said focusing on unbuttoning my pants.

Beezy was a pro when it came to using his tongue but I wanted to show him how much I appreciated him for everything he's done for me. Plus, when I'm giving head I was so focused that I physically couldn't think of anything else except pleasing my partner.

"Noo, c'mon." I whined pulling him off the wall by his pants, into his bedroom.

He threw his beanie and hoodie off before grabbing me by the back of my neck, pulling me into a passionate kiss. He slid his tongue into my mouth while he took my beanie off my head. He pulled away before attacking my neck. As he found my spot I leaned my head back so he had better access and moaned softly.

"Get on your knees." He spoke in a low raspy tone making me clench my thighs before doing as he said.

We maintained eye contact as I slowly got down to my knees. I lifted his wife beater slightly and looked into his eyes once more before leaving small hisses right above his waistband. I took my time undoing his sweatpants and pulling them down with his boxers. His third leg was already hard as a rock, springing up and almost hitting me in my face. I bit my lip as I came face to face with his pretty dick.

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