When This Happen?

114 7 14


Lee's POV

I woke up to my alarm happy as hell. Today was my girl D's graduation. She was finally out of that overgrown daycare as she calls it. Me and Aniyah were gonna go show support of course, then we had a nice brunch to head to before her graduation party tonight. So my day was past full.

I went into the bathroom taking off my bonnet and scarf before untying my red hair letting it flow down my back. I wore a lot of weave but it was the perfect time of year for me to wear my natural out. Plus Aniyah wanted to try a silk press on me so I let her since I had my new color in. I dyed my hair a deep burgundy-red color that matched perfectly with my brown skin. And before you ask yes, I did it because me and Brandon officially broke up.

Our prom was a week ago and Brandon was right, he didn't wanna go with me. That's because he went with Adriana Taylor, the biggest bop at our school. To say I was heartbroken was an understatement, shit I still was. When I tried to ask him why he would hurt me like this and go with someone else while slowly breaking up with me, his response was we've been broken up since that day in the parking lot. But I knew that was bullshit anyways because after they popped out at prom, everybody was talking about how they saw Adriana and Brandon together around campus a lot for a couple of months before that.

I felt like the biggest idiot. Here I was chasing after this nigga thinking I did something wrong but he was fucking off the whole time. So after I was done crying, I went and bought a box of dye. If Lester thought I was a hoe before, he would think I'm a prostitute now. I was ready to be young and turnt and tonight was the perfect time to start since the summer was beginning.

After fixing my hair to my liking, I looked for something to wear. I already had my outfit for the party tonight but I still couldn't find anything for graduation and brunch. It was a perfect day at seventy-five degrees and the sun was out. After ransacking my room completely, I decided on a peach-colored maxi dress that had a low neckline and showed just the right amount of cleavage for me. And my ass looks extra nice in this dress. I paired it with clear slides, silver jewelry, and my light blue Jean jacket because I didn't know if it would be windy or not. I sprayed my bare vanilla perfume and put on my shea butter lotion before getting dressed. Just as I was tightening my bracelets I got a call from Aniyah letting me know she was outside. As I rushed towards the door I was stopped by my papa.

"Aht aht hold up little girl, where you going looking like that?"

"You like it, papa?" I cheesed.

"Take out the open chest and it's decent." He frowned. "But you look pretty."

"Thank you, you like my color?" I said subconsciously touching my red tresses.

"It's nice, I'm glad to see you smiling again and not moping like you been doing the past couple of days." I hate that he saw me like that.

"Yea, I'm better now. Thank you, papa, but I gotta go. Aniyah's outside." I urged grabbing the doorknob.

"Go ahead but we'll talk when you get back."

"Ok bye, love you." I said not giving him time to respond before I was out the door.

As I got into Aniyah's car she mugged me.


"If I miss my cousin's graduation because your ass needed double time to get dolled up this morning, it's gone be me and you."

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