You Are Love

39 3 17

Lee's POV

As if I wasn't already in pain from dealing with Rita, I got the worst text imaginable. I knew Lester was mad, but to break up with me over this was uncalled for. There was no reason for his attitude or for him to be upset about what I did as a single woman.

I just liked his message and went about my day. It was the hardest thing ever to pretend that I wasn't feeling weak. I fought tears the rest of the day as I cared for Rita. It almost broke me when we had a conversation though.

I was sitting by her bed watching TV with her when she looked at me with a sad expression. "Why are you crying?"

I looked up from my phone. "What?"

"You're sad, don't cry for me. I'm ready to go." She croaked out.

"Rita, please don't talk like that." I sighed trying to hold back tears.

"It's true, I'll be happy. I don't want you crying, you're too pretty to cry."

"Now I know you're dying." I laughed wiping a tear that threatened to fall.

She reached her hand out and I took it in mine. She tried to squeeze as much as she could but she couldn't do much. "Don't cry over me, over a man, a friend, nobody. Leave whatever makes you unhappy, for me. Remember I told you that."

I nodded. "Thank you, Rita."

"I love you, T."

That was enough for me. All this time I thought Rita hated me. And I just knew she didn't remember my name, since it was always nigger anyway. But not only did she remember, she loved me. And was giving me advice. I hung my head as my shoulders shook lightly, I didn't want her to go.

"Stop that, I'll be ok, my love. You take care of yourself so you can make it to my age." She chuckled turning her head and closing her eyes.

I looked up in a panic. She couldn't die right now, not with us here alone. Her nieces should be here, it wouldn't be right any other way. After the mini heart attack I got, I calmed down realizing that she was still breathing, just asleep.

I spent the rest of my shift watching her sleep like a weirdo and thinking about Lester. The last thing I wanted was to break up, especially over this. We just got back together, this wasn't fair! And I didn't even do anything.

Kristy came to relieve me and after I gave a report on Rita's condition, I left with my head hung and tail tucked between my legs. I wasn't up for this interaction I would have to have with Lester when I got my stuff. Hopefully, he wouldn't be home.

I pulled up seeing he was in fact home and I felt my heart skip a beat. I was terrified to see his face. I didn't want this to end, but I also couldn't be disrespected any longer. If the roles were reversed I would take it on the chin and move on since this is the person I love, why couldn't he do that for me?

I used my key to get in and my breath hitched as I saw him sitting on the couch sipping the last of a bottle of Hennessy. He looked at me with the darkest eyes I've ever seen. I could tell he was faded from how low his eyes were and how he swayed as he stood.

He didn't say a word to me as he walked to his bedroom. I followed him back and watched as he just sat on the bed getting on his phone. I sighed as I began pulling clothes from this dresser. The tension in the room was so thick that I feared the minute one of us spoke, shit would blow up.

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