Im Sorry

55 3 15

Lee's POV

I stormed in the house going straight to my room. Thankfully my nana and papa were already asleep so they wouldn't see me holding back my tears. I got up to my room and looked in the mirror seeing my bottom lip was swollen and bloody. I stared for a little bit before bursting into tears. How could he do this to me, what did I even do? I never wanted to upset him but Lester was quick to jump to conclusions about everything. I always knew he could be violet but damn, I didn't think he would ever go there with me.

I cried that whole night on and off, just confused. The Lester who punched me in my mouth was not the same one who loved on me and made me laugh all the time, it couldn't be. Maybe he was mad about something else and I just took him over the edge. Maybe something has been stressing him out. Either way, him hitting me was wrong. I needed to talk to him but not now, maybe in a couple of days. Right now I was just confused.

I got up the next morning for school and felt exhausted. I slowly dragged myself into the bathroom and looked in the mirror where I was instantly reminded of what happened last night. My eyes were red and puffy and my lip had gone down but it was still red. I threw my sew-in into a claw clip and tossed on a red graphic tee with grey leggings and my white forces. I didn't have the energy to put any more effort into my clothes. My nana and papa were already at work so I just made my way out the door walking down the street to the bus stop. I had my AirPods in blasting sad music. I was sulking and I hated it, but I couldn't help it right now.

The bus pulled up and I walked directly to the back. We rode another 30 minutes before I made it to school where I just went to my homeroom putting my head down on the desk, tuning out everything else around me. Before long I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up seeing Aniyah looking at me. When she saw my face she went from looking like she was about to cuss me out to looking sad.

"Oh my god, what happened to your lip?" She asked putting her hand over her mouth.

"I fell." I said looking down at my desk.

"Fell? Fell where Lee?" She asked sounding unconvinced.

"I slipped and fell at work."


"Damn Aniyah what's with all the fucking questions?" I asked her getting irritated.

"Look don't get snappy with me, you're the one who didn't let me know when to come get you this morning so I was looking for you. Then I find you looking like a wounded puppy with a busted lip! Sorry if I'm concerned about my friend" she said matching my energy. I forgot she was supposed to drive me to school today.

I just sighed. "I'm sorry, I feel like I got no sleep last night so I'm tired as hell, but I'm ok I promise. I fell at work last night playing too much with Dre." I explained praying she would believe it.

"Ok." She said turning in her seat. I noticed she had a ring on her finger.

"Aj gave you that?" I asked her

"Oh, this?" She asked looking down at her hand. "Yea, he took me to this nice ass restaurant last night and gave me a promise ring" she smiled.

"Well did you talk to him?" I said referring to what we talked about yesterday. Her smile dropped.

"I mean I tried to, I told him we could try other stuff in the bedroom and we should go to a comedy show or something and he just said he would try, but I felt like he was dismissing me. He always tries to dismiss me when I'm not blindly following his lead and when I tried to bring it up again he did this whole big speech and pulled out the ring."

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