Broken Hearts

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Lee's POV

"Lee you look fine, cmon." Beezy sighed from the couch.

I was in the mirror in the living room checking out my outfit and making sure my hair was laid for the fourth time since he's been here. Beezy came in here looking all nice and I was meeting some more of his friends tonight, so I had to make sure I stepped. For some reason, I just couldn't get into my outfit but I knew Beezy wouldn't let me go change, we were already late.

"You don't think this looks basic?" I looked at him in the mirror.

"You got on all black, of course it's basic." He laughed. "But I think you look sexy regardless."

He got up and slowly stalked towards me as I continued to play around with my hair and the sleeve of my jacket. Beezy wrapped his arm around my waist, brought his face down close to mine, and whispered in my ear.

"You're beautiful, and I'm the only one you gotta impress love. Let's go."

I turned to him and nuzzled up to his chest as I wrapped my arms around him, breaking my neck to look up at his face. "You think so?"

"Yep, now cmon. We gotta go." He pecked my lips a few times before pulling away.

"How about we stay here and I show you how much I missed you." I teased.

"Nope, I told my homeboy Tj we would be there tonight." He walked towards the door. "But I'm tearing you up when we get back."

I smiled big as I got excited and put some pep in my step to follow him out the door. Me and Beezy were going to some get-together at one of his friend's houses, who just moved here from Jersey. Beezy looked so nice in his black jogging pants and his red and yellow racer jacket. He wore his durag and a red snap back on his head and his chains and watch were shining. He always looked so good.

"I should've put on something else." I huffed.

"Why you stressing?" He smirked and glanced at me. "You look perfect to me."

"Stop it, this is so plain. I have on leggings and a hoodie." I waved my arms down over my outfit."

"You still sexy." He bit his lip making me blush as I leaned over to kiss him. He always knew the right thing to say.

We got to his friend's house about twenty minutes later. It was a nice sized one-story home and it was in an ok part of town. I followed Beezy up to the door and he knocked. Once the door opened we were greeted by a tall darskin dude with a thick goatee and black dreads hanging to his shoulders.

"Yooo, beez." He smiled big as he gave Beezy dap.

"Wass' good, slime?" Beezy smiled back.

"Man, you know. Coolin'." He replied.

"I feel you." Beezy nodded before turning to me.

He held the small of my back and gently moved me forward before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "This my girl, Lee."

I smiled and gave a small wave. "Hey."

"Wass' good, Lee. I'm Tj." He shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you."

We followed Tj deeper into the house to the back living area where there were a few guys and two girls sitting around on the couches and loveseat. They watched some game on the TV. It was two Lightskin dudes, once with dreads and one with a low cut.

"Wassup, beezy." The one with a low cut nodded making him nod back.

Beezy gave dap and spoke to the one with dreads. I've met him before but I forgot his name. After they spoke he tapped the Hispanic chick who was sitting next to him on her phone, not paying attention. She looked up and gave a small smile and wave before turning to me.

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