Wicked Games

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Lee's POV

I've been in hell these last few months. I would wake up alone in bed, play sad music, and watch sad TV shows all day until Lester came home. Then when he did finally stumble in all hours of the night, he would either be drunk or high outta his mind and start an argument with me. At first, I would try to argue back and stick up for myself but I finally learned to quit after he smashed my face against his dresser, breaking my nose. That was almost a month ago but I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Shitt, Lee baby you ok?" Lester asked as he lifted my head examining my face. My nose hurt like a bitch and all I could do was cry as I began to taste blood in my mouth.

"No, it hurts!" I yelled out trying to grab it but as soon as I touched it the pain intensified.

"C'mon, I'll take you to the hospital." He spoke softly as he lifted me up. He had one arm around my waist while the other one had a grip on my arm like he was scared for me to run away. "Hold yo head back, you dripping blood everywhere."

He was right, I looked and saw a nice-sized pool of blood on his dresser and some had dripped from my nose onto his rug.

He carried me out to the car and helped me into my seat. I didn't say anything to him because what he did was completely uncalled for. He came in drunk at 2 am and tried to have sex with me. This had become a constant thing and after me telling him no repeatedly, he got upset. Accusing me of not loving him and trying to punish him for what Courtney did to me. He was just drunk and running his mouth so I told him how stupid he sounded. He asked when I was going to fuck him again and I gave him an honest answer, probably no time soon.

That infuriated him so he went on a rant about how this is why I'm getting cheated on every day. I let him know that he's the reason I'm not giving him sex. He's a disgusting pig and I had no desire to touch him while I knew he was sticking his dick in any dirty bitch that asked for it. Looking back I regret saying that because now I was on my way to the hospital.

"Look I'm sorry baby, you know I ain't mean that shit. I lost my cool and ain't realize how hard I pushed you." He looked over to me with a sad look on his face.

"You didn't push me. You grabbed my neck and slammed me down on my face." I spoke in a dry tone.

"Regardless I ain't know how rough I was being. I promise that shit won't happen again though baby I would never wanna hurt you like that."

I just rolled my eyes because I was tired of hearing that shit. He's only saying this because now I'm seriously injured. He always hit me, pretended not to care, and then when he sobered up he let me know how he was sorry and wouldn't do it again. I guess all the blood sobered his ass up quickly tonight, but I was sick of hearing the lies.

He rambled on the whole ride about how he was sorry and would do better but I tuned him out. When I was finally seen by a doctor they asked what happened and Lester told them I ran into a door and I agreed. I could tell the doctor didn't buy our story but what would they do if I told the truth? Nothing, so I didn't give a fuck.

After I spent the night in the hospital, I guess Lester felt bad so he acted better. We were almost happy for a couple of weeks. He was showering me with attention, he was home more, and I got a new gift every day. I even almost had sex with him. But that didn't last long, he was back on his bullshit a couple weeks later when I told him I was looking for a job.

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