Not Him

47 3 19

Lee's POV

"Ughh, I hate paying bills!" Aniyah groaned as she busted through the front door of the apartment.

I laughed as we made eye contact. "Yea, I hate this adulting shit."

"On god!" She shouted plopping down next to me on the living room couch.

I was in the middle of rolling a blunt and watching TV. Since it was Sunday we were both off and sitting in the house bored. As I continued my task Aniyah looked to me like she had something on her mind.

"What?" I questioned.

"You got a big ass hickey on your neck." She pointed.

"Shit!" I hopped up and ran to the bathroom to check.

Sure enough, I had a nice-sized dark spot on my neck near my collarbone. I groaned going into my room and grabbing my makeup bag to try and cover it up. I was gonna kill Lester.

As I was applying foundation to my neck, Aniyah slowly approached my open bathroom door and leaned in the doorway with her arms folded across her chest. She wore a smug smirk as she watched me without saying a word.

"Who gave you the hickey?"

"Beezy." I spoke without looking at her.



"Well that's strange, because he came by here looking for you yesterday. So did he give you the hickey before or after that?"

My eyes went wide as I looked to her. "He came over here, what did you tell him?"

"The usual, you picked up an extra shift." She shrugged. "You're a nasty bitch, letting that old lady suck on your neck." She laughed.

"Don't play with me." I held my brush up and pointed to her as a warning.

"I quit but for real, it seems like you had fun last night." She continued to give me that smug look.

"You look pretty." I pointed out as I looked at her in her black cropped jogging suit with her hair curled nicely.

"Don't try to change the subject." She stood up straight. "Who gave you the hickey, Twin?"

I was caught red-handed so I just spilled it. "Yea." I hung my head as I focused on the kitchen sink under me.

She sighed. "Lee, are you serious?"

"I don't know what happened, we were playing with Caiden then next thing I know he's playing with my-"

"Aht! Let me stop you right there, I don't wanna know all that." She held up her hand to stop me.

"Lee, that's crazy. You been being disrespectful with your current situation but damn. This is a new low. You're fucking two men at once without a care in the world." She looked at me with disappointment.

"I know! But it was a one-time thing, I swear. I got caught up but I didn't mean for that to happen. And I'd never wanna hurt Beezy like that. I just, I don't know." I massaged my temples.

"We all make mistakes, just please don't make this one again, Lee. I know you say you have a good time with twin but you gotta remember why y'all are not together in the first place. Playing step mama and shit? It's just too much." She preached.

"Woah! Who said anything about playing step mama? I'm not getting back with twin, I'm fine with Beezy."

"Are you sure?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

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