Boyfriend #2

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Lee's POV

My heart rate quickened as me and Lester pulled up to my apartment. I had been staying with him for the past three days but I was tired of just walking around in his clothes with my hair not done, so we came back so I could pack a bag. He put the car in park and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

"You good?" Lester looked to me.

"I guess, I just don't wanna risk running into him."

I looked out the window further down the parking lot to see his car wasn't in front of his building. He wasn't here now but who knows when Beezy would pull up. The thought of running into him left me shaking, that's why it's taken me so long to come back and get clothes.

"Don't worry 'bout that nigga, if he pop up I'll handle it. You know I gotchu baby." He rubbed my thigh as he spoke calmly.

I looked to him and grinned, blushing at the way he protected me. I've had the time of my life these last few days with Lester. He really catered to me and I'd almost forgotten about my problems. I told Jackie I would need a few days off due to an unexpected tragedy and she understood and told me to just let her know I planned on coming back. With the stress of work out of the way I'd been doing nothing but hanging with Lester. I even rode around with him all day long while he made his plays. It was like old times with us and I loved every minute of it.

We got out of the car and he followed me as I walked cautiously up to my door. I quickly put my key in and unlocked the door hearing loud music playing from the other side. Once I walked in I immediately regretted coming back here. Nothing could've prepared me for the scene in front of me.

My eyes were bulged out of my head as I stood frozen in the doorway. I saw Aniyah with her head thrown back in pure ecstasy as she rode Zay hard on the couch with her eyes closed. He was holding her hips and biting his lip as he fucked her back. Due to the loud music, they hadn't heard me when I first walked in but once she opened her eyes she screamed out and quickly got off his lap.

I was left speechless as I watched her frantically pick up her robe and tie it around her body as Zay quickly picked his jeans up off the floor putting them back on. Lester just started laughing behind me.

"Ahhh, my god." He spoke out through his laughter.

"The fuck?" Was all I could get out. I was astonished at the sight.

"Lee! I didn't know you were coming home, where you been?" She breathed out trying to fix her messy hair that was wild on top of her head.

"I been with him." I pointed back towards Lester. "What the fuck are you doing?" I frowned.

"I was just- I was about to do his hair."

"I see." I exclaimed noticing Zay's hair was flowing down his back looking like it was freshly combed out. "You were gone do his hair after you finished riding his dick?" I got loud.

Zay snickered making Aniyah turn and give him a death stare before turning back to me. "Lower your voice! Don't come in here yelling at me, why did you disappear on me like that?" She mugged me.

I walked further into the house as Lester closed the door behind me. "Maybe if you asked you would know, but I guess you were too busy getting fucked!"

"Why you got an attitude?" She questioned with her lip turned up. "You're the one who didn't answer the phone when I called! Beezy came over here looking for you and everything, but you were too busy shacking up with this bum again!" She spat waving over to Lester.

"Get yo girl, bruh." Lester spoke to Zay making me look at him dumbfounded.

"His girl?" I turned back to Aniyah. "This your dude now? Wow." I chuckled humorlessly

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