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Lester's POV

I woke up to the feeling of my face being slapped lightly. I don't know what's going on but I'm about to whoop some ass for being woken up out of my sleep like this. I opened my eyes to see Lee sitting up in bed next to me with my phone in her hand. She was rubbing her eyes as if she had just been woken up as well.

"The fuck you doing bruh?" I sat up slowly, speaking low.

"Somebody keeps calling you." She yawned still rubbing her eyes. "Shut that shit up."

She handed me the phone and I saw I was getting a call from an unknown number but I had a feeling I knew exactly who it was. I got out the bed and walked out onto the balcony seeing the sun was about to rise. It was almost 7 am and whoever was on the other end of this line was about to get the business for waking a nigga up this early.

"Yoo." I spoke as I answered the phone.

"You can't answer your phone now?" Courtney spoke on the other end of the line sounding upset.

"Bruh what the fuck are you calling me for?" I yawned.

"I need to talk to you, it's important."

"Can't that shit wait, I'm outta town handling some business right now."

"Oh please, business my ass, Lester, I know you're out there with that hoe."

"Watch your mouth. I'll swing over there when I get back in town, don't call my fucking phone again." I hung up before she could get another word out but that didn't stop the bitch from texting me instantly.

***-***-****: Stop tryna run from me punk ass nigga, when will you be back in town?

Me: in a few days bruh quit texting my phone 🤦🏾‍♂️

***-***-****: ight but be at my house when you get back, it's really important.

I just liked the message because I didn't have anything else to say. Me and Courtney didn't have anything to talk about. After I saw her at the graduation party that was it for me. As far as I knew that was it for her too cause a nigga was still blocked until like a week ago. She started texting me from her new number and watching me on social media like some creep-ass bitch. I saved her number because I was curious to see what she could possibly have to say to me when I got back to the city.

"Who was it?" Lee yawned as she tossed one of my t-shirts over her head. Her hair was now put up in a bonnet and I could tell she just washed her face.

"Some fein wanting me to slide on them." I lied. I didn't need Lee knowing Courtney was blowing my phone up this early in the morning, it would cause too many unnecessary problems.

"Damn what you selling them, crack?" She laid back against the pillows before grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.

"Yep." I grabbed my bag of weed and a Dutch getting ready to roll up, I needed to calm my nerves.

I rolled up on the nightstand while Lee was paying attention to the show, looking like she was about to doze off any minute now. I was up now thanks to Courtney's dumb ass, I hated being woken up out my sleep.

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