Make Up

51 2 7

Lee's POV

I woke up to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. I didn't even mean to fall asleep but I was glad I was up now because my man was home. I checked my phone seeing it was almost 2 am, I had a few notifications and messages so I replied to them before I heard the shower cut off.

I heard Lester open the bathroom door and his heavy footsteps made their way to the room before I heard a loud thud, followed by Lester's ugly-ass laugh. He stumbled into the room a few seconds later still laughing.

"What's so funny?" I sat up against the headboard now chuckling a little myself.

"I hit my foot on the door." He laughed as he stumbled into the bed, plopping his body on top of mine. He just laid in my lap with his eyes closed. He had a silly grin on his face but he looked so cute and relaxed. I began to play in his hair.

"Did you have fun at the party?" I asked looking down at him.

"So much fun, would have been better if you was there though." He spoke slowly letting me know he wasn't sober.

"Are you high?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"Yep." He giggled. "Zay gave me shrooms."

"I should've known." I shook my head.

We just sat with me playing in his hair for a while as I focused on the TV that was playing Family Guy. I thought Lester had fallen asleep until he spoke up.

"Don't leave me, Lee."

"What?" I asked confused on where that came from.

"Please don't leave me. I know I ont' show it all the time but I love you, and I'm sorry for everything." I looked down and his eyes were closed but his face was straight letting me know he was serious.

"Lester, where is all this coming from?"

"From me. You too good for me and I know that. I'll do better for you girl I promise you that. I want us to go back to how we was Leelee."

I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure we could ever get back to that place. I do love Lester with all my heart but so much has already happened between us that we're just different, I'm different. Our relationship could never be the same but I still had hope that we could work on making a better relationship moving forward, and him saying all this right now just gave me even more hope.

"I ont' like that you got quiet."

"I'm just thinking."

"Bout what?"

"About us. We gotta do better baby."

"And we will, I'll do better for you. I love you Taleeyah. You my girl and someday I want you to be my wife. We gone be happy in a big ass house in a nice ass neighborhood somewhere. I want eight kids and you gone have them all." He chuckled.

"I'm not having eight kids." I laughed with him.

"Yes, you are. You gone have all my babies to make up for this one. They all gone be running around and we gone be straight. Just me and you and our family. Don't that sound good?" I looked up at me with his eyes glossed over.

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