Project X

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Lee's POV

"So will Jackie and Doug be over on Christmas?" I questioned Rita.

We were in her bedroom closet organizing her clothes and bags by color, for the third time this month.

"That's what she says." She spat. "But we'll see. They most likely will be over after they go everywhere else and come later that night."

"So you'll be alone on Christmas?" I frowned.

Rita might be an old bitter bitch but nobody deserved to be alone on Christmas. I felt bad for her, her own family didn't want to be around her for the holidays.

"Wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last." She spoke, her voice full of venom. "Jackie doesn't wanna come around because I tell her like it is, just like everybody else. I caught her no good husband having a secret conversation with his lover."

I gasped. I met Doug once and he seemed to love Jackie to pieces, but I guess he just knew how to put on a good facade.

"Yep. And get this, it was a man!"

"No!" My eyes bulged.

"Mhmm, some man named Brian. I told her immediately and she wasn't happy. Doug said I was lying and accused me of trying to break up their marriage. I told him to show us his phone since I was lying and he just stormed out. She broke down and said this is why no one wants me around because I cause problems and ruin things for everyone. Then she got in a cab and left, that was three years ago. And come to think of it, that's around when she started giving me servants." She laughed bitterly.

"I am not a servant Rita, I'm a caregiver." I sighed.

"How?" She laughed. "You don't do anything but cry in my bathroom, what care do you give me?"

"I do a lot! I deal with your nasty-ass attitude all day and as far as I know, I've lasted the longest! Nobody else is gonna put up with your shit the way I do." I raised my voice.

"Get out."


"Get out! I don't need you or anyone else here to deal with me! Get out, you fat bitch!" She shouted pointing to her closet door.

Fuck this. I turned around and walked right down these stairs and out the front door. I will be calling Jackie tomorrow to tell her I quit. I drove down the road before stopping at the liquor store and getting a bottle of Bacardi so me and Aniyah could pregame later.

I made my way back home and saw it was only four pm so I had plenty of time before the party tonight since it didn't start until eleven. I stripped my clothes off and threw on a pair of jogging pants and a tank top.

I sparked a pre-roll I had and put Family Guy on the huge TV in the living room. I faced the blunt and before I knew it, it was gone and I was loaded. I decided to play music on my speaker. Since I was home alone I could blast it how I wanted to without the fear of disturbing Aniyah.

I was vibing to I Like by G herbo when my stomach started to growl. Me and Aniyah were two young girls who made money so the fridge and pantry was stocked to the max. I went into the pantry and decided to snack on a bag of grippos. As I got into the song I took a video of myself rapping the lyrics and posted it to my story. Beezy saw it and texted me not even five minutes later.

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