Romantic Homicide

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Lester's POV

"And, done." My ears perked up hearing Lee in the other room speaking in a higher pitch letting me know she was talking to Caiden.

I hopped up from the living room couch and went into the bathroom to see Lee bent over doing Caiden's edges as she finished her slick ponytail.

She fully stood so I could get a good look at my baby. She looked pretty in a pair of little black shorts and a brown graphic tee. She had on some little tan slides to match and Lee had painted her toenails the other day so her hot pink polish was shining. She had a gold bracelet on her wrist and matching earrings.

"You did good." I complimented her.

"I know, thanks." She grinned placing her hands on her hips with a smile. She looked so proud of herself.

"She's real good about getting her hair done." She helped Caiden get off the toilet and she quickly ran off, most likely going in that damn mirror again.

"You ready, we gotta drop her off."

"Yea, just let me grab my purse."

I followed Lee into the bedroom and sure enough, Caiden's ass was in front of my mirror. She held her toy phone to her ear and made kissy faces at herself as she tilted her head around, admiring her ponytail.

Lee laughed and bent down to her level. "Awww, you are too much for me." She laughed.

Lee pulled her phone from her purse and held Caiden from behind as they took pictures in my mirror. I shook my head, I couldn't believe it. Lee was turning my daughter into some little conceited brat.

"Can y'all c'mon, y'all look good. She get that shit from you." I laughed.

"And?" She stood and pulled her jeans up higher on her waist before scooping Caiden off the floor.

Twenty minutes later I was pulling up to Courtney's new house. She got a nice little one-story, two-bedroom home in Middleton. I was glad because it was closer to the crib and I didn't feel like I was going all out my way like before when she stayed with her stupid ass mama.

I got Caiden's bag and held her hand as we walked up the steps onto the porch of the house. I knocked and Courtney answered the door smiling big as soon as she saw Caiden.

"Hiii, baby. I missed you." She quickly picked her up and kissed all over her face making Caiden giggle hard. I smiled at their interaction while shutting the door behind me.

"Hiii, mama!" She gave her mama kisses back on her face before laying her head on her shoulder.

I sat her bag down on the couch and took a seat watching as Courtney put Caiden down taking off her shoes. She looked confused as she looked over her for a second.

"Who did her hair?"

"What you mean?"

"Why are my baby's edges done? I don't do edges on her."

I shrugged. "Why does it matter?"

Her whole demeanor changed as her face hardened. "You got that bitch of yours around my baby?"

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