Nobody But You

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Lee's POV

I was sitting in D's living room on her couch laughing at baby E's shenanigans. It might've been the edible we just took, but he was a very entertaining baby. He's gotten so big, it seemed like it happened overnight. He was already looking tall and he was running around the house in nothing but a diaper.

"He's adorable, bruh." I laughed wiping a lone tear from my eye.

"He is." She smiled. "E!" She called out trying to get his attention.

He quickly turned to her with his mouth hanging slightly open looking curious as to what she wanted. "Show Tete how you play the piano."

He smiled and quickly ran over to a toy piano he had on the other side of the room. He turned it on with his small hand and started aggressively hitting the keys, making playful baby music come through the toy. He started jumping and babbling out his screams. When he stopped me and D clapped for him.

"Yayyy!!" We shouted as we clapped our hands making him do the same.

"Yay!!" He smiled and softly clapped his small hands together.

"Row, row." I could make out him saying row as he started to make a rolling gesture with his small arms.

"Row your boat, gently down the stream!" D smiled as they sang his favorite nursery rhyme.

Baby E smiled as he watched D finish the song. After she stopped singing he ran over to her and climbed in her lap before grabbing her face and placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"Eww, boy!" She laughed wiping the wetness from her cheek. He just gave her a blank stare.

"Give Tete a kiss." She pointed to me making him give a grin.

He ran over to me on the couch. D was right, he's a wild little thing. Once he made it to me he stood in between my parted legs since I had one propped up on the couch. He wrapped his small hands around my neck and made the "mwah" sound as he puckered his lips and gave me a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you, nephew!" I hugged him. "You're too sweet!"

He was reaching his sweet era. Baby E was an aggressive baby at first. I mean he still is, but now there's a balance since he's running around giving kisses.

"He is becoming a lil sweetie." D blushed watching her son get off the couch and run around the room in a circle screaming.

"He's rey be pissed in like thirty minutes, it's nap time." She spoke.

"Uh oh." I laughed.

"Anyways." She turned towards me. "Have you talked to Aniyah?"


"Why not, Lee?" She sighed.

"The real question is why hasn't she talked to me? She's the one who was on weird shit." I looked down playing with my nails, I needed a fill-in.

"She hasn't reached out because you haven't been home, you been with Twin." She pursed her lips at me.

"That's her fault, I would've been home had she not acted like it was static, telling me to get out and shit so I got out." I shrugged. I was too high for this right now.

"That was wrong but cmon Lee. Y'all been friends for a decade, you really not gone speak to her?" She tilted her head looking genuinely confused.

"Eventually, but not unless she's ready to apologize. I can move past all of this, even her fucking Zay but she has to own up to her bullshit. We're not just gone move on and dance around the situation like we always do, no." I preached.

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