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Lee's POV

I woke up with the worst headache as I slid from under Lester and ran to the bathroom to empty my stomach. I was sick of this damn baby already, it's always making me nauseous. I had to leave Lester's party last night because I got so sick off that shot. That wasn't a good idea but I had run out of excuses to give him on why I was sober right now. I was actually having fun last night, even when Lester was getting a lap dance from that ugly ass stripper, that annoyed me but I knew I had to let him rock since it was his birthday. I trusted him to act right after I left, especially because I knew he wouldn't try anything while D was there.

When I got back last night I threw up for a while before changing into one of Lester's shirts and going to sleep. I was out for hours until everybody ran into the house around four AM being loud and obnoxious. Lester busted in the room basically begging to fuck, and my first mistake was agreeing. He smelled like alcohol and that dirty ass stripper, making me wanna gag. He was high out of his mind so we went all night. My thighs and ass were burning and my head was pounding. My back felt like it got popped outta place and now my throat was on fire.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face I came back into the room eventually and Lester was now up on his phone. Should I tell him now?

"You Ight?" He looked up at me from his phone.

"Yea, why?"

"You just woke me up with all that hacking and shit. I think you sick Leelee."

"I'm fine." I waved him off climbing into bed under him.

"You sure? I can take you to urgent care."

"No baby I'm fine I promise." I said as I got an idea. "You hungry?"

"I could eat."

"Want me to make us some breakfast?" I looked up to him.

"Yep, but ion think we got anything in there for breakfast."

"What you want?"

He thought about it for a second before speaking. "Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Ouuu I want some cinnamon rolls too." He said getting excited.

"Ok hungry ass, slow down." I laughed getting up. "Ima go to the store and get the stuff, wanna help me when I get back?"

He slapped my butt as I fully got out of bed. "Yep, hurry back."

I got up and threw on some leggings and a hoodie. I grabbed my phone and purse before yelling to Lester that I would be back. I got in my car making my way to the store thinking about how Lester would take the news. My plan was to tell him over breakfast that I was pregnant and see how he reacts. Hopefully, it's in a good way since he's fucked and fed. I still can't decide if I want this baby or not but maybe Lester can give me some clarity on the situation. Then we could tell his mom and my grandparents together.

I had to go farther out to another grocery store since it was Sunday. I was almost positive my nana and papa would be in our local grocery store shopping for dinner, and as far as they know I'm not in town right now. I hated that I had to come this far out but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I went into the crowded store full of nicely dressed old people, who saw me and judged instantly. I'm not sure if it's because I was young or because I was dressed like a bum, but I was getting tired of the judgemental looks and these snooty bitches not saying excuse me or letting me by in the aisle.

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