
51 3 14

January 1st

Lee's POV

I woke up to the sun beating down on me through my curtains. As I rose from the pillow I held my head feeling a steep headache coming on. Next thing you know I heard the front door open and Aniyah's loud voice followed.

"Lee! Get your ass out here, you better not still be sleep." I heard her voice sound closer and closer as she made her way towards my bedroom.

My room door busted open to reveal Aniyah looking pretty as always. "And she has risen." She smiled walking over and sitting on my bed.

"Get up wild thing." She pat my leg.

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"Almost one o'clock. You're gone miss brunch."

"Shit, I forgot all about that." I snickered.

"I bet you did, I told your ass don't mix your liquors last night, didn't I?" She questioned rolling her neck.

I just nodded, she was right. Aniyah told me not to mix our liquor last night but I wanted to party and she was kid-free, so we weren't gonna listen to that.

D and landin threw a New Year's Eve party and it was lit. It was a more intimate kickback type of thing since it was only us girls, the twins' friend group, and a few of D's friends from work. There was no bad energy at all last night, and everybody got along with no problems. We had hella fun bringing in 2021.

She just shook her head knowing we wasn't about to go anywhere. Us girls, just drunk and in a good mood, made plans to have brunch today. But that was before we got too fucked up, I definitely wouldn't be able to make it and I knew D was feeling the same right now.

"I doubt D will be able to go." I shrugged. "She was more fucked up than I was last night."

"You ain't lying, she threw up everywhere and almost fucked Landin in the kitchen, in front of everybody!"

"Oh my god." I shook my head. "But she needed that though, she hasn't partied forreal since she had baby E."

"I know, that's why I can't be mad at her. I'm rey call her actually." Aniyah pulled her phone from her pocket calling D.

It rang a few times and I almost thought she wasn't gone answer but she eventually picked up. "Hello?" You could tell this call woke her up as she sounded raspy over the phone.

"Hey mama, you ok?" Aniyah spoke.

"Girl, what do you want?" She sounded a little more awake.

Me and Aniyah laughed at her rude ass, we fucked up some good sleep for her.

"I wanted to see if we was still going to brunch, but I guess not." Aniyah shrugged.

We heard some shuffling around and the faint sound of a TV playing in the back before D responded. "I can't I'm sorry, we gone have to do that another time cous. My whole body hurts."

"It's probably from when Landin tossed you over the couch." I laughed. They always ended up play fighting when they got drunk.

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