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Lee's POV

"Stop it!! Oww" I yelled as Aniyah sat in my passenger seat slapping my arm. "If you make me crash this car I'm going to fuck you up."

"No I'm going to fuck you up, why are you just now telling us you needed a plan b!" She yelled. "We've been out there for days!"

"It slipped my mind, we were having so much fun and you have 72 hours to take one so I have until tonight. That's why I'm stopping at the store before I drop you hoes off." I told her trying to focus on the road.

We were on our way back from my birthday trip and I had a blast. After I got over the whole Instagram story thing, I was able to enjoy myself. Everybody was just drinking, smoking, playing stupid games, and vibing. We even went swimming in the lake. I had a great time.

"Fuck you mean it slipped your mind? How many times did y'all have sex?" D asked sitting up in her seat in the back.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

Me and Lester had sex all over that house, and I lost count. We always found a way to sneak off from the group, but it wasn't even for sex a lot of the time. We would just talk and get to know each other a little bit. These past few days we've just been in our own little world.

"Taleeyah what the fuck! You should've said something earlier, we could've got it for you now you tryna speed to the store and shit." She said shaking her head.

"We weren't close to a store so I just thought it'd be easier to stop when we get back."

"Are you tryna trap him?" Aniyah asked me.

"What? No what the fuck! I'm 17 what am I gonna do with a baby?" I said getting defensive. I was offended that she would even have that thought about me.

"So then why would you have raw sex with him multiple times, and not immediately get a plan b."

"I wasn't thinking!" I said annoyed. "Just drop it bruh, I'm getting it right now. You wanna watch me take it?" I said as I pulled into the Walgreens parking lot.

"Yes, actually I do." She said getting out of the car with me.

I just rolled my eyes not paying her any attention. I grabbed the pill and a watermelon Arizona and went up to the cash register. The cashier was a short Asian dude who looked at the box and then up at me with a weird look. It made me feel disgusting. He rang me up and I quickly exited with Aniyah on my heels.

"I see why Courtney had Lester get her pill, that was degrading." I said hopping into the car, sitting back in my seat, and sighing heavily.

"I don't care about that, take it right now." She said ripping the box outta the bag and opening it.

"Oh my god, calm down." I told her opening my Arizona.

"Fuck no, I have to baby your ass 'cause clearly you don't know how to not do dumb shit." She said handing me the pill. "Here."

I took the pill, downing it with my drink before swallowing. "Happy?"

"Very." Aniyah said with a sarcastic, tight-lipped smile.

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